Aleurobotrys botryosus

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Aleurobotrys botryosus
Aleurodiscus botryosus.png

Aleurobotrys botryosus

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Russulales (Russulales)
Family : Layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae)
Genre : Aleurobotrys
Type : Aleurobotrys botryosus
Scientific name of the  genus
( Burt ) Boidin , Lanq. & Gilles
Scientific name of the  species
Aleurobotrys botryosus
( Burt ) Boidin , Lanq. & Gilles

Aleurobotrys is a genus of mushrooms from the family of layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae). It is a monotypical satellitegenusfrom the Aleurodiscus complex with the type species Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles . The genus is characterized by the finely ornamented spores and the characteristic, coral-like branched acanthohyphidia , which some mycologists also call botryohyphidia (botryophyses). They have short, blunt, dichotomous , amyloid branches. The gloeocystids can be stained with sulfobenzaldehyde reagents.


The thin, resupinate fruiting bodies have a smooth hymenophore . The hyphae system is monomitic . The generative hyphae have simple septa without buckles . As a sterile items can be found in Hymenium addition to Basidien sulfoaldehydpositive Gloeozystiden and the coral-like branched Botryohyphidien. The amyloid basidiospores are ornamented with fine black to fine spines. Gilbertson and Blackwell describe the spores as smooth to slightly bumpy.

Ecology and diffusion

The fungus usually grows on dead hardwood branches of maple, oak, and hop beech, but more often on shrubby plants such as honeysuckle, myrica, snowberries, lilacs, grapevines and roses, as well as on blackberries. But it was also found on thuja and juniper. It is widespread in the warm to subtropical areas of the northern hemisphere. In Africa it was found in Zimbabwe and Zaire and it was also found in New Zealand. From Europe there is evidence from France, Belgium, Great Britain, Portugal, Italy and Spain. The Caucasus is also part of its range.


Maximum likelihood pedigree of aleurobotrys (red) and related species. Bootstap values ​​over 50% are shown next to the branches, the genebank number is given after the species name. All other information is given in the description of the picture.
Minimum evolution pedigree. All other information is given in the description of the picture.

The monotypic genus Aleurobotrys was defined by Jacques Boidin in 1986. The generic name is borrowed from the epithet of the type species Aleurodiscus botryosus . The Latinized adjective is derived from the ancient Greek word βότρυς (vine tendril), the substrate on which E. Burt found the fungus.

J. Boidin examined the ITS1 and ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA in 1998 and found that Aleurobotrys botryosus closely related to Megalocystidium wakullum (Burds., Nakasone & GW Freeman) E. Larss. & KH Larss. and Megalocystidium luridum (Bres.) Jülich is related and placed these species in his newly created family of Gloiothelaceae .

In 2001, Sheng-Hua Wu and his co-authors examined the LSU-rDNA gene of numerous Aleurodiscus species and found that Aleurobotrys botryosus is a sister taxon of the Cerussatus group, thus confirming that it belongs to the layered mushroom relatives family. A. botryosus together with Acanthofungus , Stereum , Xylobolus and Megalocystidium , as well as the two species Aleurodiscus bisporus and Aleurodiscus abietis, formed a monophyletic group (moderately supported by bootstrap values). Within this group it appears to be the only species that has ornamented spurs.

An important feature that distinguishes it from Aleurodiscus s. l. is the positive amyloid reaction of its acanthohyphidia. Within the Aleurodiscus complex there are some other species whose acanthohyphidia are more or less stained with iodine reagents. It has been speculated in the past that this might be an important feature in the subdivision of the Aleurodiscus complex. But this was confirmed by S.-H. Wu not confirmed. Aleurodiscus abietis , a species that also has amyloid acanthohyphidia, is not closely related to Aleurodiscus botryosus . This indicates that amyloid acanthohyphidia within the Stereaceae have arisen several times independently of one another, so that the taxonomic value of this characteristic is of rather subordinate importance.

In 2003 E. Larssons and KH Larssons phylogenetic investigations of the ITS2 and LSU rRNA region confirmed that aleurobotrys within the aleurodiscus complex are an independent lineage. In contrast to S.-H. Wu, could they not confirm the close relationship to the Cerussatus group.


Individual evidence

  1. A. Bernicchia & SP Gorjón: Fungi Europaei . Corticiaceae s. l. Vol: 12, 2010, pp. 89 ( ).
  2. A. Bernicchia & SP Gorjón: Fungi Europaei . Corticiaceae s. l. Vol: 12, 2010, pp. 90 ( ).
  3. ^ Robert L. Gilbertson & Meredith Blackwell: Notes on wood-rotting fungi on junipers in the Gulf Coast region . Vol: 24, 1985 ( ).
  4. M. Núñez, L. Ryvarden: The genus Aleurodiscus (Basidiomycotina) . Aleurodiscus botryosus. In: Synopsis Fungorum . tape 12 , 1997, p. 55 ( ).
  5. ^ Edward Angus Burt: The Thelephoraceae of North America. IX. Aleurodiscus . In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden . tape 5 , 1918, pp. 198-199 ( ).
  6. ^ J. Boidin, J. Mugnier & R. Canales: Taxonomie moléculaire des Aphyllophorales. Ed .: The Mycological Society of America. 1998, p. 445-491 ( ).
  7. Sheng-Hua Wu, David S. Hibbett, Manfred Binder: Phylogenetic analyzes of Aleurodiscus s. l. and allied genera . In: The Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . Vol :: 93 (4). Lawrence 2001, p. 720-731 ( ).
  8. Ellen Larsson & Karl-Henrik Larsson: Phylogenetic relationships of russuloid basidiomycetes with emphasis on aphyllophoralean taxa . In: Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . tape 95 , no. 6 . Lawrence 2003, p. 1037-1065 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Aleurobotrys botryosus  - collection of images, videos and audio files