Alex Herlein

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Alex Herlein (born September 8, 1875 in Stauffeneck near Reichenhall , † 1954 ) was a German manager in the paper industry.


After attending the humanistic grammar school in Neuburg an der Donau, Herlein studied at the Forestry University of Aschaffenburg and in Munich. In 1895 he became a member of the Corps Hercynia Aschaffenburg. After completing his studies, he first started a practical forester position in the Bavarian State Service. In 1900 he switched to the Alois Dessauer company in the colored paper industry . From 1908 he headed the Buntpapierfabrik AG in Aschaffenburg as a factory director and board member.

At the First World War Herlein took from June 1915 as a volunteer , most recently as a lieutenant of the militia , part and was awarded the Bavarian Military Merit Order and Iron Cross awarded II. Class.

Herlein was a member of the transport committee of the Reichsverband der Deutschen Industrie and chairman of the association of German chromo and colored paper manufacturers in Berlin.


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 107 , 425
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 109 , 425