Alexander Fischer (jazz musician)

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Alexander Fischer

Alexander Fischer ( Russian Александр Эммануилович Фишер *, 7. December 1944 in Khabarovsk ) is a from Russia originating in Austria live jazz - trumpet player and music teacher, also known as Alexander Fisher occurs.

Live and act

Alexander Fischer first received piano lessons and later played as a trumpeter in wind orchestras, orchestras for light music, and Dixieland jazz ensembles . While still in Khabarovsk, he played in the Vadim Goroviz Ensemble , which won first place at the 1968 Moscow Jazz Festival.

Fischer then completed a classical musical training at the Moscow Gnessin Institute in the trumpet class of Prof. Timofej Dokschitzer (graduation with distinction). Over the next six years, Fischer played in the Oleg Lundstrem Orchestra, with whom he appeared in almost all the republics of the former Soviet Union and at the Prague Jazz Festival. After that, Nikolai Lewinowski invited him to play in his Allegro ensemble .

Between 1988 and 1991 Alexander Fischer often performed in duets with the pianist Daniel Kramer , which soon became very popular in Russia. The duet has played across the country, touring Australia for a month, Spain for two weeks, and performing at jazz festivals and concerts in France, Czechoslovakia, Latin America and Africa. At that time, Fischer was leading the trumpet class in the (newly opened) department for light music and jazz at the Gnessin Institute. During these years the community of jazz watchers, musicologists and critics of the USSR named Alexander Fisher the first among the country's jazz trumpet soloists. Alexander played repeatedly with singers and musicians from the Russian light music industry (Muslim Magomajew, Polad Bjul-Bjul Ogli, Valentina Tolkunova , Stass Namin and others).

From 1991 Alexander Fischer taught the master class at international summer courses in Viktring ( Carinthia ). He has lived in Vienna since 1993 , performs in Austria and other European countries and teaches at the Vienna Conservatory . On his concert tours to Russia he often plays with his long-time partner Gregory Fine . Fischer also took part in several CD productions by various ensembles and recorded three albums under his own name, 1999 Sentimental Story on an extra disc ; In 2005, Three Question Marks (extra plate) followed with Thomas Kugl and Martin Reiter . In 2008 Childhood Samba And Other Dances Of Life emerged and in 2009 Half the Girls in France .

He also worked as a musician with the ensembles Together , Joe & Co u. a. as well as for the Wiener Kammerspiele.


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