Alexander Reiner

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Alexander Reiner (born March 4, 1885 in Panschwitz ; † May 10, 1960 in Berlin-Spandau ) was a German dentist , SS leader and camp commandant of the Columbia and Sachsenburg concentration camps during the Nazi era .


After graduating from the humanistic grammar school, Reiner studied dentistry at the University of Leipzig and received his license to practice medicine in 1912 . The doctor of dentistry performed his military service in the 1st royal Saxon Uhlan Regiment from 1914 and was a participant in the First World War until 1916. Due to a dysentery he was no longer fit for use in the war and then worked as a dentist in the fortress hospital in Danzig. Reiner, married since 1917, established himself as a dentist in Danzig-Langfuhr in 1918.

Reiner joined the SS in the early 1930s at the latest. With the support of SS-Gruppenführer Werner Lorenz , Reiner achieved high ranks in the SS. From November 13, 1933 to October 19, 1934, Reiner was an SS leader in SS Section XXVI, based in Danzig.

After a brief introduction to the concentration camp system in the Dachau concentration camp , Reiner became the camp commandant in the Sachsenburg concentration camp as SS-Oberführer on November 2, 1934, and on December 1, 1934, he moved to the Columbia concentration camp as a camp commandant. On April 18, 1935, Reiner was initially on leave together with the head of the Schmidt guard. The background to this measure was the joint escape of an SS man with two prisoners and the killing of two prisoners. Reiner was remanded in custody on May 6, 1935 on charges of inciting manslaughter. The criminal proceedings were dropped and Reiner was released from the SS on June 13, 1935. Reiner was designated as camp commandant for the Dachau concentration camp by Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler from December 6, 1934 , but did not take up this post due to the accusation of corrupt behavior.

Then Reiner worked as a resident dentist in Berlin-Charlottenburg .


  • Johannes Tuchel: Concentration camps: organizational history and function of the inspection of the concentration camps 1934–1938. (Writings of the Federal Archives, Volume 39). H. Boldt, Boppard am Rhein 1991, ISBN 3-7646-1902-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Johannes Tuchel: Concentration camps: organizational history and function of the inspection of the concentration camps 1934–1938. 1991, p. 387.
  2. Wolfgang Benz , Barbara Distel (ed.): The place of terror . History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps. Volume 2: Early camp, Dachau, Emsland camp. CH Beck, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-406-52962-3 , p. 58 f.
  3. Wolfgang Benz, Barbara Distel (ed.): The place of terror. History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps. Volume 2: Early camp, Dachau, Emsland camp. CH Beck, Munich 2005, p. 244.