Alexander Solomonowitsch Kompanejez

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Alexander Solomonowitsch Kompanejez ( Russian Александр Соломонович Компанеец , English transcription Aleksander Solomonovich Kompaneyets, also Kompaneets, Aleksandr Kompaneec; born January 7, 1914 in Yekaterinoslav ; † August 19, 1974 , was a Soviet physicist in Palestine , Lithuanian Lithuanian . He lived mainly in Moscow.


Kompanejez was a student of Lev Landau in Kharkiv in the 1930s, where he dealt with solid-state physics (electrical conductivity in metals and semiconductors). In 1936 he received his doctorate (candidate title) and his habilitation in 1939 (Russian doctorate). He was a professor at the Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow (where he worked from 1946 until the end of his life) and is best known for his introductory textbook on theoretical physics. He was also engaged in the physics of detonation, about which he wrote a book with Seldovich (Zeldovich), and in general of gases at high temperatures.

In 1956 he published a work on the movement of charged particles (electrons) in intense radiation fields ( Fokker-Planck equation with inverse Compton scattering (Comptonization), Kompaneets equation ), which arose from secret work in the Soviet nuclear weapons program and was important in the 1960s was in work by Seldowitsch and Sunjajew (Sunyaev) on the coupling of radiation and matter in the early universe (see also Sunjajew-Seldowitsch effect ). In the nuclear weapons program he worked with his friend Seldowitsch since the 1940s (at the Institute for Chemical Physics), also on the theoretical review (from 1948) of the early proposals (1946) by Seldowitsch, II Gurevich, Pomerantschuk and Chariton zur Hydrogen bomb. Kompanejez dealt with many areas of theoretical physics, from chemical kinetics to biophysics.


  • Kompaneyets: Theoretical Physics , Dover 1962
  • Kompaneec: Theoretical Physics , Academic Publishing Society Geest and Portig 1969
  • Kompaneec: What is quantum mechanics? , Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig 1967 and Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main 1967
  • Kompaneec: Statistical Laws in Physics , Leipzig, Teubner 1972
  • Kompaneets, Zeldovich: Theory of Detonation , Moscow 1955, Academic Press 1960


  • Vitali Goldanski, Zeldovich, MA Kozhushner, VN Kondrat'ev, IM Lifshitz, Boris V. Novozhilov, NN Semenov, ND Sokolov, VL Tal'roze, Yu. B. Khariton: Aleksandr Solomonovich Kompaneets (obituary) , Soviet Physics Uspekhi, Volume 17, 1975, p. 965

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Individual evidence

  1. КОМПАНЕЕЦ Александр Соломонович (entry in the Российская еврейская энциклопедия, Russian, accessed November 6, 2011)
  2. AS Kompaneets The establishment of thermal equilibrium between photons and electrons , Sov. Phys. JETP, Vol. 31, 1956, p. 876
  3. Lexicon of Astronomy by Andreas Müller
  4. ^ Gerschtein in Sunyaev (editor) Zeldovich-Reminiscences , Taylor and Francis 2005, pp. 161ff