Alexander Wassiljewitsch Korschakow

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A. Korschakow (2010)

Alexander Wassiljewitsch Korschakow ( Russian Александр Васильевич Коржаков ; born January 31, 1950 in Moscow ) is a Russian officer and politician.

After his military service, he worked from 1970 to 1989 in the Ninth Administration of the KGB , which was responsible for personal protection. After the collapse of the Soviet Union , he was promoted to major general in Russia and headed the security service of President Boris Yeltsin from 1991 to 1996 . He is the author of the bestseller "Boris Yeltsin - from dawn to sunset" ( Russian Борис Ельцин: от рассвета до заката ), which has been translated into several languages ​​(including Czech ).

From 1997 to 2011 he was a member of the Duma .

Web links

Commons : Alexander Korschakow  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Only good things about Kohl: Yeltsin's ex-bodyguard A. Korschakow about his book // FOCUS Magazin No. 35 (1997)
  2. Walter Mayr. Serious crazy idea // Spiegel Online 3/2005
  3. Koržakov, Alexandr Vasiljevič: Boris Jelcin: od úsvitu do soumraku . Votobia , Praha 2000, ISBN 80-7220-101-8 .