Alexander von Glasenapp

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Coat of arms of the von Glasenapp family

Alexander von Glasenapp (* 1793 ; † around 1876) was a Russian lieutenant general .



Glasenapp comes from an old noble family of officers with branches in Pomerania and the Baltic States. His parents were Georg Johann von Glasenapp , General and Governor General of Western Siberia, and Theophila von Kreganowska. His son Georg von Glasenapp (1850-1918) was also a Russian lieutenant general.

Alexander had studied in Heidelberg, he is said to have spoken nine languages ​​fluently, very talented and, at the same time, extremely fun-loving and easy-going. In his youth he had come to Italy, fell in love with an Italian princess and had become a Catholic for her sake. However, he later married a Polish woman, Maria von Bogaeffska, but had his descendants baptized Protestants.

Military career

He was on May 14, 1806 Page , September 13, 1809 Kammerpage, December 3, 1810 ensign in the bodyguard of the Semenov (Dragoon) Regiment, September 28, 1813 lieutenant, January 31, 1816 adjutant to the lieutenant general von Bachmetjew , on September 29, 1816, captain of staff, on May 4, 1819, captain, then major, on May 17, 1823, lieutenant colonel, on February 22, 1826, as colonel, on January 1, 1834, major general and on March 23, 1847, lieutenant general. He took part in the campaign against the French in 1812, 1813 and 1814, against the Turks in 1828, the Polish War in 1831 and the Hungarian Campaign in 1849. Because of an unauthorized undertaking during the war in Hungary, he had to resign from the command of his division and then lived in Warsaw, Paris and America. He was a lieutenant general a. D. died.



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