Alexios Skantarios Komnenos

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Alexios Skantarios Komnenos ( Middle Greek Ἀλέξιος Σκαντάριος Κομνηνός ; * 1454 ; † November 1, 1463 in Constantinople ) was the last Crown Prince in the Empire of Trebizond .


Alexios was the son of the Trapezuntian co-emperor Alexander Komnenos and Maria Gattilusio ; He was thus a grandson of Emperor Alexios IV. As a child, he was raised to despot and heir to the throne by his uncle John IV around 1454/55 , but was ousted in 1460 by his uncle David Komnenus , the last emperor of Trebizond.

When Trapezunts was conquered by the Ottomans in August 1461, Alexios and his relatives were captured. He accompanied his mother to the harem of Sultan Mehmed II in Constantinople. After initially being treated well, Alexios was arrested on March 26, 1463 together with David and his three sons in Adrianople and executed on November 1 in Yedikule Castle .



  • Franz Babinger : Mehmed the Conqueror. World striker at a turning point. Piper, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-492-10621-8 .
  • Michel Kuršanski: La descendance d'Alexis IV, empereur de Trébizonde. Contribution à la prosopographie des Grands Comnènes. In: Revue des études byzantines. Vol. 37, 1979, ISSN  0766-5598 , pp. 239-247.
  • Steven Runciman : The fall of Constantinople. University Press, Cambridge 1965, p. 186.
  • Alexios G. Savvides, Benjamin Hendrickx (Eds.): Encyclopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization . Volume 1: Aaron - Azarethes . Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2007, ISBN 978-2-503-52303-3 , p. 152.
  • Erich Trapp , Rainer Walther, Hans-Veit Beyer: Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit . 5. Fascicle: Κ ... - Κομνηνούτζικος (= Publications of the Commission for Byzantine Studies . Volume 1/5). Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1981, ISBN 3-7001-0330-1 , pp. 224–225, no. 12085.

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  1. See PLP . 5, p. 224; in EPLBHC . 1, p. 152, the birth is given around 1446.
  2. See PLP 5, p. 224.
  3. Savvides / Hendrickx: EPLBHC . 1, p. 151 f., Distinguish Alexios from a son of the same name, John IV, who was raised to (co-) emperor in 1458 as a four-year-old child. Kuršanskis has made plausible, however, that, contrary to the information given by Laonikos Chalkokondyles , John IV had no sons, but only the daughter Theodora as the only child; see. Kuršanskis: Descendance. P. 242 f.
  4. See PLP 5, p. 224 f .; Babinger, Mehmed. P. 246 f. Legend has it that Alexios managed to escape to the Aq Qoyunlu , to whose ruler Uzun Hasan his cousin Theodora was married.