Alfie Lambe

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Alfonso Lambe.png

Alphonsus "Alfie" Lambe (born June 24, 1932 in Tullamore , Offaly , Ireland ; † January 21, 1959 in Buenos Aires , Argentina ) was an Irish member of the Legion of Mary and a missionary in South America.

He grew up in a farming family and, after graduating from school, joined the Christian Brothers' order . Because of health problems, he broke off the novitiate . He came into contact with the founder of the Legion of Mary, Frank Duff , and soon decided to serve as the Legion's envoy in Colombia , Ecuador , Uruguay , Brazil and Argentina . He arrived in South America in 1953 and died of abdominal cancer in 1959, at the age of 26. His grave is in Buenos Aires in the famous La Recoleta Cemetery in the department of the Irish School Brothers.

His linguistic talent enabled him to learn Spanish and Portuguese in a short time. He managed to get in touch with the people and get them excited about the goals of the Legion. He is said to have founded around 2,000 "praesidia" (legion groups in individual parishes ). The Archdiocese of Buenos Aires opened a beatification process in 1978.


  • Hilde Firtel: Apostle without stole: lay apostle Alfons Lambe, legionary envoy (Freiburg / Switzerland: Kanisius-Verlag 1961)
as an audio book appeared in the series Personalities of Faith: Alfie Lambe , spoken by Father Alkuin Schachenmayr OCist and Héctor de Andrés Brunete. ISBN 978-3-9031-1852-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Legion Mariens Homepage ( Memento from January 5th, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Finola Kennedy: Frank Duff: a Life Story (London 2011), p. 183.