Alfons Schmidt

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Alfons Schmidt (1936)

Alfons Schmidt (born August 27, 1904 in Zweibrücken , † February 12, 2000 in Speyer ) was a German teacher , restorer , taxidermist and impression artist.


After attending the Catholic teachers' college in Speyer from 1918 to 1924, he traveled through several European countries and then took up various teaching positions in the Palatinate .

As a teacher in Rülzheim , he spent his free time restoring sculptures for the Diocesan Museum of the Speyer diocese .

With his sideline activity, he built up a second existence, in which he dealt with art and cultural-historical objects and their preservation and made some inventions. In 1935 he developed an elastic hydrocolloid negative material for the conservation and restoration of old sculptures , which became known worldwide as "Formalose" and is still used today in molding technology. The advantage was the inexpensive reusability and the possibility of making impressions on living objects. In the medical field, it was his elastic dental impression material, “Dentoforma”, which gained great importance after the start of the war in 1939 through the treatment of soldiers with head and jaw injuries. Schmidt was given leave of absence from the school service and made indispensable for the main sanitary park in Berlin. With his invention Plastogen, his products experienced a great boom in the post-war years due to the great need for prostheses . Almost half of all leg amputated received in the Palatinate prostheses with Plastogen-quiver.

In 1982 Alfons Schmidt was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in recognition of his services to art and medicine .


  • The taxidermist. Year 28 July 1982, issue 3.
  • Consultation hours for amputees - quick help: feeding the prostheses with a proven plastic. Rheinischer Merkur, May 22, 1948.
  • Petermann Reinhold: Replica of antique glasses. ATM worksheets, 1969, Gr. 18, pp. 40-43.

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