Alfons bull

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Alfons Stier (born June 13, 1877 in Würzburg , † April 26, 1952 in Zellingen ) was a German composer , music editor and teacher .


After completing his studies in the natural sciences, he taught biology and chemistry in Landshut , Nuremberg and Würzburg. From 1914 he was the first organist at St. Elisabeth's in Nuremberg. In Würzburg he worked closely with the cathedral choir from 1931. In 1945 his apartment in Würzburg was destroyed by the bombing on March 16 . According to his own statements, he was able to save the most important scores.

His compositional work includes orchestral and choral works as well as oratorios and songs. As a music critic and music author, he was also active in Würzburg and nationwide. Among other things, he wrote for the Würzburger Generalanzeiger and worked on the 1931 and 1933 Wagner Festival in Bayreuth.


  • Sacred music
    • St. Michael trilogy
    • measure up
  • Vocal music
    • Songs
    • Oratorio "Mysterium Vitae"
  • Works for symphony orchestra
  • Knowledge of the distribution of the stomata in Würzburg shell limestone plants, Würzburg 1904

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