Alfred Habermann

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Metal carving by Alfred Habermann in Simbach am Inn
Tilia - Execution of a design by Alfred Habermann after his death in 2009 as an honor. Location: Lipník nad Bečvou , near Helfštýn Castle . Realization: blacksmith and metal sculptor Pavel Tasovský in collaboration with Christine Habermann high u. a.
Signature of Alfred Habermann

Alfred Habermann (born May 3, 1930 in Jihlava (Iglau); † April 28, 2008 in Waidhofen an der Ybbs ) was a German-Czech blacksmith , sculptor , draftsman , restorer and designer .

Habermann is one of the most important artistic blacksmiths and metal sculptors of the 20th century and with his work decisively influenced the development of contemporary metal design and forging culture. In numerous statements about him and his works he was and is called the blacksmith pope.


During and after the Second World War, he attended the blacksmithing school in Iglau in 1944 and from 1945–1947, where he passed the journeyman's examination in 1948. After completing his master's examination in 1958, he looked for a job with the internationally recognized blacksmith and metal sculptor Fritz Kühn in the GDR in 1963 . At the end of 1963 he was officially recognized as a "sculptor in iron". With a scholarship from Czechoslovakia , he went from 1966 to 1968 to the Accademia Internazionale del Ferro with Professor Toni Benetton in Treviso (Italy). In 1975 he founded his own "smithy in the forest" near Studena on the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands.

In 2001 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon .

Posthumously since 2008 , the “Alfred Habermann Prize” for outstanding personalities in metal art has been awarded annually at Helfštýn Castle during the Hefaiston - the largest symposium of blacksmiths and metal sculptors in Europe.


In 1992, Bayerischer Rundfunk produced in its series The Last of His Stand? the fifth and thus one of the first contributions was the film Der Schmied aus Böhmen about Alfred Habermann. Directed by Benedikt Kuby . It was first broadcast on January 5, 1993.


  • Alfred Habermann, Peter Elgaß: Alfred Habermann: Schmied und Gestalter , 175 p., 1999, Verlag Hephaistos, (German / English). ISBN 978-3931951085
  • Josef Hofmarcher u. a., Illustration Alfred Habermann: The world - an anvil: Alfred Habermann , catalog for the special exhibition Ferrum - World of Iron , 42 p., 2006, Ferrum, Ybbsitz (German / English). ISBN 978-3-901819-54-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. biography. In: Habermann Gallery and Museum, archived from the original on August 15, 2017 ; accessed on December 3, 2018 .
  2. Biography - Awards. In: Habermann Gallery and Museum, archived from the original on August 15, 2017 ; accessed on December 3, 2018 .
  3. Na hradě Helfštýn se chystá mezinárodní přehlídka kovářů Hefaiston Alfred Habermann Prize and 12,000 visitors during the two-day Hefaiston 2008 (Czech)
  4. Benedikt Kuby : The blacksmith (†). (Benedikt Kuby Filmproduktion), accessed on July 4, 2018 .
  5. The last of his class: The blacksmith from Bohemia. Video of the documentary on YouTube . February 14, 2017, accessed July 4, 2018 .