Alfred Hecker

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Alfred Hecker (born February 4, 1869 in Elberfeld , † November 3, 1940 in Bonn ) was a German crop scientist and agricultural meteorologist .


Alfred Hecker attended high school in Bonn , completed a two-year training course on farms and studied at the Agricultural Academy in Bonn- Poppelsdorf from 1891 . From the summer semester of 1896 he was matriculated at the University of Heidelberg . In 1897 he received his doctorate there in the natural science and mathematics faculty with a dissertation on the rational culture of flax .

After several years in agricultural practice, Hecker completed his habilitation in 1910 at the Agricultural Academy Bonn-Poppelsdorf, where he held lectures on agricultural climate theory and seed breeding until 1933 - with several years of interruption . He published plant cultivation and agro-meteorological articles in the journal "Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher".

Publications (selection)

  • A contribution to the rational culture of flax . Diss. Natural science-mathemat. Fac. Univ. Heidelberg 1897. Printed edition by J. Harrwitz Nachf. Berlin 1897.
  • The strict gentlemen (contribution to ice holy research in agriculture). In: Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher Vol. 37, 1908, pp. 711–729.


  • Kürschner's Deutscher Schehrten-Kalender vol. 2, 1926, column 684–685 (with list of publications).
  • 150 years of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn 1818-1968. Directory of professors and lecturers . Published by Otto Wenig. Bouvier Verlag Bonn 1968, p. 110.