Alfred Hoepffner

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Alfred Hoepffner (born September 11, 1880 in Ingolstadt , † January 11, 1970 in Munich ) was a German forester and ministerial official.


Hoepffner became a member of the Corps Hubertia Munich in 1899 during his studies . In 1907 he joined the Bavarian State Forest Administration. In 1945 he was appointed acting head of the forestry department in the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forests . He made a significant contribution to overcoming the war and post-war damage in the Bavarian state forests and at the same time to adequately supply the population and the occupying power with firewood and other forest products. When he reached the age limit, he retired in 1948.



  • Heinrich Rubner : Hundreds of important foresters in Bavaria: 1876 to 1970. - Munich, 1994. (= communications from the Bavarian State Forestry Administration 47)

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 108 , 579