Alfred Kiefer

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Alfred Kiefer (born July 9, 1893 in Kaiserslautern , † February 8, 1977 in Munich ) was a German administrative lawyer .


Kiefer completed a law degree with a doctorate. From 1933 to 1937 he was head of finance at the Reichsbahndirektion in Munich and from 1937 to 1945 budget officer for Reichspost and Reichsbahn in the Reich Ministry of Finance .

After the Second World War he was in the Bavarian civil service as head of the administration of state assets and was most recently Ministerial Director in the Bavarian Ministry of Finance. From 1952 to 1958 Kiefer was President of the Bavarian Administration of State Gardens, Palaces and Lakes. He is buried in the Nymphenburg cemetery .



  • Werner Ebnet: You lived in Munich: biographies from eight centuries . Allitera Verlag 2016, ISBN 3869067446 , p. 317.
  • Karl-Ulrich Gelberg: Das Kabinett Erhard II: September 20, 1947 to December 18, 1950 , Volume 2, R. Oldenbourg Verlag 2005.

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