Alfred Schrapel

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Alfred Schrapel (born May 1, 1885 in Dresden ; † February 13, 1945 there ) was a Dresden worker functionary, local politician and anti-fascist .


Alfred Schrapel grew up in a working-class family. After graduating, he worked as a vocational school teacher. Triggered by experiences in the First World War , he became a member of the KPD in 1919 . In 1921 he was elected as one of four communist members of the Dresden city parliament. He was a member of this until 1932. For many years he was chairman of the KPD parliamentary group there.

From January 1933 until his arrest in early March 1933, he was a volunteer city councilor. He remained in protective custody until the end of 1933 and was no longer allowed to work as a teacher. The historian Udo Grashoff , citing a report by fellow inmate Hugo Gräf from 1935, states that Schrapel worked in the propaganda department of the NSDAP district leadership in Colditz during his imprisonment in the Colditz concentration camp . In petitions to the Gestapo and the Saxon government, he described Hitler's policy as “real socialism” and thus achieved his release in April 1934. On February 13, 1945 he was killed in an air raid on Dresden .


On July 1, 1946, Schillstrasse in Dresden-Johannstadt was renamed Alfred-Schrapel-Strasse. Information on Schrapel, including a curriculum vitae, reports and articles, is part of the biographical collection of the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime , founded in 1947 and dissolved in the GDR in 1953 , which is kept in the Federal Archives .


  • Alfred Schrapel . In: Museum for the History of the City of Dresden: Biographical notes on Dresdner Strasse and squares that recall personalities from the labor movement, the anti-fascist resistance struggle and the socialist rebuilding . Dresden 1976, pp. 70f.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Udo Grashoff: Opportunism and defectors in the Sachsenburg concentration camp in 1933 . In: Bert Pampel, Mike Schmeitzner (eds.): Sachsenburg Concentration Camp (1933–1937) (= series of publications by the Saxon Memorials Foundation. Volume 16). Sandstein, Dresden 2018, ISBN 978-3-95498-382-7 , pp. 262–276, here p. 265.
  2. File DY 55 / V 278/6/1731 - overview online