Alfred Zander

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Alfred Zander (born April 2, 1905 in Brunnen , Ingenbohl municipality ; † October 12, 1997 in Konstanz ) was a leader of the " National Front ", a National Socialist- oriented movement in Switzerland.


In 1923 he passed his Matura in Zurich and trained as a primary school teacher at the university there. This was followed by positions as a teacher in the Pestalozziheim Neuhof and from 1926 to 1928 in the rural education home in Kaltbrunn. In 1931 he completed a degree in English and pedagogy and received his doctorate on the pedagogue Heinrich Pestalozzi .

In the following year he led the "National Front" together with other people; he was deposed in 1934. Together with Hans Oehler he founded a similar ideologically oriented grouping, the "1938 federal loyal confederates " (BTE), which he next year because of treason was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. While still in prison, he sought to transform the BTE into the “National Movement of Switzerland”, which was banned by the Federal Council. In the so-called Bern trial of anti - Semitic agitation, he appeared as a witness for the defendant. Zander moved to Germany in 1941 and joined the Waffen SS in 1943 .

In 1937 Alfred C. Toepfer distributed Zander's book Swiss Confederation and Reich , a commitment to National Socialism; In 1940 he processed quotations from it in his article Westschau . In 1940 Jakob Fürst (1919–) allowed himself to be “inspired by the National Socialist cause” at a lecture in Bern by Zander, and subsequently spied on behalf of Germany as an assistant to the US military attaché.

Alfred Zander was twice an American prisoner of war. In 1947 he was sentenced to 11 years in prison in absentia for foreign military service. From 1948 to 1970 he worked in various German educational reform schools, including the Burg Nordeck school home as director and immediate successor of the founder Otto Erdmann . In the 1950s, pupils, teachers and even Otto Erdmann seemed to have been unaware of Alfred Zander's political past.


Individual evidence

  1. Michael Fahlbusch: Swiss Cross and Swastika - The Foundation Legacy of the Toepfer Brothers in Switzerland. In the science portal of the Gerda Henkel Foundation , accessed on November 14, 2015.
  2. ^ Peter Kamber: A Swiss named Fürst. In: Die Wochenzeitung , February 11, 2010, accessed on November 14, 2015.
  3. ^ Jürgen Oelkers : The place of the reform pedagogy: The state school. Lecture at the University of Education in Zug on December 7, 2011. p. 12.

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