Alfred van Cleef

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Alfred van Cleef (* 1954 in Amsterdam ) is a Dutch journalist and writer.

Alfred van Cleef, Düsseldorf 2016

Since 1978 he has worked as a journalist and reported for major Dutch newspapers and magazines such as the NRC Handelsblad from Madagascar , South Korea , Ghana , Benin , Bosnia-Herzegovina , Serbia , Albania , Greece and other countries. As a writer he made his debut with De lost wereld van de familie Berberović , about the fate of a Bosnian family in the Bosnian war . Van Cleef became known through the success of his literary travel report The lost island to the island of Amsterdam in the Indian Ocean , which was also translated into German and English. The novel Verlangen followed in 2002, which addresses the topic of the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred van Cleef at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster
  2. ^ Longing (request) at the Nederlands Letterenfonds