Alice Ceresa

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Alice Ceresa (born January 25, 1923 in Basel , † December 22, 2001 in Rome ) from Cama GR , was a Swiss-Italian author. Growing up in Ticino , Switzerland , she moved to Rome in 1950. There she worked, among other things, as an editor for the magazine "Tempo presente" and as a translator and editor for the publishing house "Longanesi". Most recently she also worked as a translator of the works of Gerold Späth and Elias Canetti and edited various texts in German, French and English.

Her few works mainly revolve around the theme of the family and the roles and relationships of family members. She leaves behind several unfinished works. Her estate is in the Swiss Literary Archives in Bern .

Novels and short stories

  • La figlia prodiga (The Prodigal Daughter), Giulio Einaudi Editore ( La ricerca letteraria , n.1), Torino, 1967r).
  • La morte del padre , in " Nuovi Argomenti ", n. 62, aprile-maggio 1979, pp. 69-9
  • Bambine (Bambine - Story of a Childhood), Einaudi ("Nuovi coralli" n. 423), Torino, 1990.
  • Gli altri , in “Svizzera italiana”, n. 17–20, Lugano, 1943
  • La figlia prodiga e altre storie , La Tartaruga, Milano, 2004, ISBN 9788877384188 .
  • Piccolo dizionario dell'inuguaglianza femminile , postfazione di Jacqueline Bisset , Nottetempo, Roma, 2007 ISBN 9788874521074 .
  • La morte del padre , with Ritratto di Alice by Patrizia Zappa Mulas, u. a., 2013, ISBN 9788864631028 .



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