Alicia Lourteig

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Alicia Lourteig

Alicia Lourteig (born December 17, 1913 in Buenos Aires , Argentina , † July 30, 2003 there ) was an Argentine botanist . Her specialty was primarily the sorrel plants . Your official botanical author abbreviation is " Lourteig ".


The daughter of a Castilian mother and a French father studied in Argentina. In 1932 she received her baccalaureate, in 1937 she passed her pharmacy exam. In 1946 she received her PhD in biochemistry and pharmacy from the Medical School of the University of Buenos Aires.

Lourteig worked from 1938 to 1946 at the Instituto Miguel Lillo de Tucumán and at the same time at the Instituto Darwiniano de San Isidro in the province of Buenos Aires. After completing her studies, she worked on several large herbariums , such as in Kew Gardens (1948–1950), Stockholm (1950–1951), Copenhagen (1951), Boston (1952–1953) and Washington, DC (1953).

Signed by Jean-Henri Humbert (1887–1967), she worked at the French Natural History Museum in Paris from 1955, where she did research until 1979. Initially, her focus was on the flora of Argentina, but her investigations soon expanded to include plant families of the Neotropic and temperate latitudes. For example, she completed and updated the supplementary volumes on the French flora by Hippolyte Coste (1858-1924). She actively worked in the Society for Biogeography and in the creation of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature .

Lourteig opened up the important historical evidence of the herbaria of Aimé Bonpland (1773-1858), José Celestino Mutis (1731-1808) and Charles Plumier (1646-1704). She conducted field research in South America , Australia and the Antarctic ( Kerguelen ).

Dedication names

William R. Anderson named the Malpighiaceen genus Alicia in her honor in Novon , vol. 16, p. 174 in 2006 . The genera Lourteigia R.M. King & H.Rob. from the sunflower family (Asteraceae) and Lourtella S.A. Graham, Baas & Tobe from the loosestrife family (Lythraceae) are named after her.

Works (selection)

Alicia Lourteig is the author of over 200 scientific publications.

  • (with CA O'Donell): Acalypheae argentinae (Euphorbiaceae) . Lilloa VIII, 1942.
  • (with CA O'Donell): Euphoriaceae argentinae. Phyllantheae, Dalechampieae, Cluytiae, Manihoteae . Lilloa IX, 1943.
  • (with CA O'Donell): Las celastráceas de Argentina y Chile . Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, 1955.
  • Ranunculaceas de Sudamerica tropical - Memoria, Soc. Ciencias Naturales La Salle, Caracas, 16 (43), pp. 19-88. (1956).
  • Flora del Uruguay, Mayacaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Celastraceae, Lythraceae, Primulaceae . - Mus. Nac de Hist. Nat., Montevideo, 1963.
  • (with SD Piedrahita): Genesis De Una Flora . Ed. Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 1991. 334 pp. ISBN 958-9205-01-1

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RK Brummitt, CE Powell: Authors of Plant Names . Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew , 1992, ISBN 1-84246-085-4 .
  2. C. Sastre: Alicia Lourteig (1913-2003) - Adansonia, série 3, 25 (2): 149-150, 2003
  3. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]

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