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legal form GmbH
founding 1970
Seat Willich , GermanyGermanyGermany 
management Philip Grothe
Number of employees 160
Branch aluminum

Alimex (officially alimex GmbH Precision in Aluminum , the spelling is alimex ) is an aluminum processor based in Willich with locations in the USA ( Columbia / South Carolina) and Benelux ( Venray / Netherlands) as well as in Malaysia. The family company manufactures products based on plates from the cast aluminum process.

Aluminum casting process

Alimex has set a global standard with the introduction of the cast aluminum plate process. In the process, stresses in the cast aluminum plates made of different alloys are relieved in an annealing hall by annealing for days to weeks, thus achieving special material properties such as special corrosion resistance, different degrees of hardness or surface structures. These properties allow the use of aluminum semi-finished products and components, especially in the semiconductors - and solar industry , the medical technology , the engineering and the space - and optical industry.


Alimex products can be found in cell phones, in production robots in the automotive industry, on solar roofs, leisure and sports equipment or flat screens. Aluminum parts from Willich were also installed in the international radio telescope observatory in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

In 2015, stylecast, an aluminum by-product made from cast iron plate cuts, was developed that is used for wall cladding and interior decoration.


The company started in 1970, when Helmut Geller founded the Alimex Metallhandelsgesellschaft in Bad Homburg. Cast aluminum plates have been produced in Willich since 1985. In 2004 a sister company was founded in the Netherlands, two years later alimex UK Precision in Aluminum in Great Britain. The company has also had a presence in the USA since 2007. In the same year alimex GmbH Precision in Aluminum was founded. In 2014 ThyssenKrupp Aerospace took over the aerospace activities of Alimex. In 2017, a new annealing hall was put into operation at the headquarters in Willich. In April 2019, alimex UK Precision in Aluminum Ltd. was sold. to the British company Metalex Products Ltd.

In January 2020 alimex ACP Asia Sdn Bhd was founded and the production site opened in Malaysia ( Johor ). Alimex celebrates its 50th anniversary on June 1st, 2020.


The medium-sized family company is owned by the Geller family in the second generation.

Alimex in the media

In the course of the consequences of the steel dispute between the European Union and the United States , which was under discussion in 2017/2018 , in which US punitive tariffs were also introduced for aluminum, Alimex became the subject of media coverage because it accounts for around ten percent of its sales with the US makes. In one of the contributions of the Rheinische Post , managing director Philip Grothe explains: "The local aluminum industry could (also) benefit from the fact that it is less subject to customs duties than steel - our main competitor product." Compared to Capital magazine , Grothe emphasized that his company was even benefiting from the increased aluminum prices as a result of the conflict, as the US aluminum industry itself was unable to meet requirements of the same quality. On October 17, 2018, Die Welt titled its report with a quote from Grothe with "Thank you for the customs duties, Mr. Trump" .

In a TV interview with DDW-TV in 2016, Grothe commented on the reasons for the growing demand for aluminum applications.


  • In 2018, Alimex and 17 other companies were voted innovator of the year by the medium Die Deutsche Wirtschaft.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. alimex group: Aluminum innovations from Germany. Retrieved September 27, 2019 (German).
  3. ^ Wilhelm Schöfer: Factory tour: Willicher aluminum parts for a giant telescope. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  5. ^ RP ONLINE: Punitive tariffs: Donald Trump has been refuted for 200 years. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  6. Issue 12-2018, pages 82/83
  7. Carsten Dierig: Donald Trump: The US President's punitive tariffs work differently than expected . October 17, 2018 ( [accessed September 27, 2019]).
  8. Trends in aluminum use. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  9. Mestemacher de | Innovator of the Year 2018 says: The economy spoke - and celebrated - the German economy. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .