Alinaghi Monzavi

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Alinaghi Monzavi (* 1921 in Samarra ; † October 18, 2010 in Tehran ) is a well-known bibliographer of Iran. He was involved in the "Daeratol Maarefe Eslami" (Islamic Encyclopedia).

He is the first son of Hadj Sheikh Agha-Bozorg Tehrani , a scientist and researcher of the Shiite world and author of the largest bibliography of Shiite writings (in 26 and 31 volumes respectively).

His brother Ahmad Monzavi (1925–2015) is also a bibliographer.


Alinaghi Monzavi received his first school education in Samarra , where his father had emigrated from Tehran. He later learned in Najaf from the masters Mir Bagher Zangani, Hasan Bodjnurdi, Mohammad Tehrani Askari Mirza, Musa Khaansari and not least from his own father.

During the Second World War, Alinaghi returned to Tehran, where he initially studied at the Marvi School. He graduated from the University of Tehran in 1947 and was employed as a teacher at the Marvi School. At the same time, he began working on "Loghatname Dehkhoda" (about " Dehchoda's dictionary of the Persian language"). In 1949 he switched from school to the University of Tehran as a lecturer. After Dehkhoda's death, he worked with his successor Moien as a member of a four-person "Commission for Comparative Literature ". This collaboration continued until Monzavi's emigration to Najaf and Beirut in 1966. In 1950 he completed a bachelor's degree at the Daneschsaraie Aali University. In 1951 he received a bachelor's degree in law from Tehran University . In 1958 he received his doctorate in Islamic studies from this university . In 1972 he received a second doctorate, this time in philosophy, from Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon. After his return from exile in 1975, Alinaghi Monzavi taught the students of the literature faculty "Daneshkadeh Adabiat" as the successor to Moien, who had died in the meantime, until he was arrested in 1980 by the conservative mullahs .

During these years he corrected, completed and printed two great works by his father, entitled “ Al Zaria ” (“Window to the Shia Scriptures”) and “Tabaghat Aalam ol schia” (“Classification of the Shiite Writer) “) Carried out on his own with his modest finances. “ Al Zaria men al tassanif el schia ” has appeared in 28 volumes and three supplementary volumes with lists of names, “Tabaghat Alaam ol schia” in nine volumes sorted by centuries. (Volumes 19 to 24 of “Zaria” were printed by his brother Ahmad Monzavi during Alinaghi's absence or emigration.)

During the uprising for the nationalization of Iran's oil in the early 50s entered Alinaghi under the influence of his third brother, Army Major Mohammad Reza Monzavi, who also lived at Alinaghi, the Tudeh Party one. Alinaghi Monzavi was arrested and tortured twice. In August 1966 he escaped a third arrest and emigrated to Iraq to Najaf (to his father) and, after pressure from the Shah on Saddam Hussein , to Beirut, where he obtained his second doctorate in 1971. 1975-76, during the tenure of the Iranian Ambassador Ghadar in Beirut, through the mediation of Senator Ali Daschti and Parwiz Natel Chanlari , two prominent, influential historians and literary personalities, a reconciliation and Alinaghi's return to Tehran, where he came, came about until 1980 (one year after the Islamic Revolution ) continued to work at Tehran University; however, after the revolution he lost direct contact with students because his teaching license had been withdrawn.

In 1980 he was arrested on the orders of Khomeini and sentenced to 5 years in prison after long torture. As a result, he was also dismissed from service without notice. The reason for this last arrest was the allegation of participation in and even the authorship of the book 23 Years by Senator Dashti. In this book Dashti takes a critical look at the beginnings of Islam. Monzavi only made corrections and wrote only about 16 pages of text himself. Dashti, who was also arrested, confessed to having written the book and said "leave the old man alone," by which he meant Alinaghi Monzavi. A more serious allegation was added later: Monzavi had translated into Persian and commented on a book by the Jewish orientalist Ignaz Goldziher , professor at the University of Budapest from 1905 until his death in 1921, entitled "Lectures on Islam". That alone was enough to accuse Zionism , which is a crime under Iranian criminal law. The result was five years imprisonment and dismissal without notice after 33 years of civil service without a pension. After the death of his wife in 2004, Alinaghi Monzavi fell ill. From 2005 he also suffered from Alzheimer's and was cared for by his children, especially Parvin Monzavi (* 1943).


  • Abdollah Shahbazi: The Life and Time of Ali Dashti. Tehran عبدالله شهبازی ، زندگی و زمانه علی دشتی
  • Noureldin Kianouri: Diaries. Tehran خاطرات نورالدین کیانوری
  • Iradj Eskandari: Diaries. Tehran خاطرات ایرج اسکندری
  • Alinaghi Monzavi: autobiography زندگینامه خودنوشت علینقی منزوی

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( Memento of April 29, 2009 in the Internet Archive )