Alkon (son of the Hippocoon)

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Alkon ( ancient Greek Ἄλκων ) is a person from Greek mythology .

He is the son of the hippocoon from Amyklai . Together with his father and his brothers Dorykleus , Skaios , Enarophoros , Euteiches , Bukolos , Lykaithos , Tebros , Hippothoos , Eurytos , Hippokorystes and Alcinous he drove the rulers of Sparta , Ikarios and Tyndareos , out of the city. Hippocoon and all his sons are killed by Heracles , whereupon Tyndareus takes control again. In one position at Hyginus Mythographus , Alkon is one of the participants in the hunt for the Calydonian boar .

According to Pausanias , Alkon in Sparta had a heroon near the stadium.



  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 10, 5.
  2. ^ Hyginus Mythographus, Fabulae 173 ; he follows Ovid , Metamorphoses 8, 314 , where the sons of Hippocoon are named as participants in the hunt.
  3. Pausanias 3:14 , 7.