Alois Hönle

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Alois Hönle (born September 14, 1871 in Munich ; † October 18, 1943 there ) was a Munich folk singer and humorist .


Alois Hönle was a member of the Volkssängergesellschaft around Jakob Geis . With this he played in hotels, restaurants and entertainment halls until he replaced Anderl Welsch in 1906 as director of the Munich Apollo Theater . This Volksvarieté in the hotel “Münchner Hof”, founded in 1896 by restaurateur Ludwig Schlecht, was a place of cultivation of Bavarian cabaret under his and August Junkers management (until 1923).

“August Junker and Alois Hönle were two absolute stars around 1900, the best that Munich had to offer back then. They ran their own theater, the Apollotheater in Dachauerstrasse, where they made Munich's tears laugh every evening. They are the inventors of the legendary characters "Kare" and "Lucki": idlers, stone-wearers, work-shy, devoted to the demi-world, traders and bon vivants. Their language is coarse, their customs are rough, like life in the suburbs. "

- Andreas Koll : Munich air

As was the custom among folk singers, Hönle wrote his own repertoire: he wrote and played couplets , soldier songs , humorous solo lectures, but also comic scenes and one-act plays. Many of his creations have been published in the Münchner Blut Collection (can be viewed in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek). His best known "hit" was the song from the window cleaner Kare . In the interpretation of Maxl Graf it was still a hit in the 1970s. Hönle made gramophone recordings as early as 1907, several of them in a duet with August Junker .

Hönle died in Munich on October 18, 1943. He was buried in the Ostfriedhof in Munich .

Sound documents (selection)

  • Back from South West Africa, Gr & T 41 979 (mx. 3147 r)
  • The shoemaker boys in the "Lohengrin" performance, Gr & T 41 980 (mx. 3148 r)
  • In the special holiday train, Gr & T 41 981 (mx. 3163 r)
  • At the farmer's wedding, Gr & T 41 982 (mx. 3164 ½ z)

Duets with August Junker

  • In the Salvatorkeller in Munich, Favorite 1-17 152 (mx. 2864 -f-)
  • Nudlmaier am Bal paré, Zonophone x5-21 067 (mx. 15 565 b)
  • The Kare must ausziagn, Zonophone x5-21 074 (mx. 15 655 b)
  • At the Child Baptism ', Kalliope 1202 (mx. 1202)


  • CD "Junker & Hönle. The voice of the suburb. Recordings from 1901-1913" by Trikont (US-0282), contains a. a. the texts Der Stolz von der Au / The beautiful Karl / A beer wants i habm / Der Kare muss ausziagn / There are still good people / So a crook has a life / My friend the Nazi / The two Holledauer / So a Räuscherl / Mia waars g'nua.


  • Claudia Preis: Folk singing in Munich 1870-1930. On the production of entertainment culture in the city (PDF; 869 kB). Dissertation, Munich, 2010
  • Berthold Leimbach: Audio documents of the cabaret and their interpreters 1898-1945 , Göttingen, self-published, 1991, unpaginated.
  • Münchner Blut Department A. Collection of couplets, songs, parodies, duets, terzets, quartets, intermezzo's etc. ed. by Munich humorists. Heinrich Bauderer Verlag Munich oaJ (see price, p. 157 ff.)
  • Münchner Blut Department B. Plays. One-act and comic scenes, humorist. Duo scenes etc. All: Heinrich Bauderer Verlag Munich oaJ (cf. Preis, p. 167 ff.)

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