Alois Schmid (composer)

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Alois Schmid (* 1773 in Bergatreute ; † 1842 in Waldburg ) was an Upper Swabian composer of church music .


Because of his musical talent, Alois Schmid was accepted into the Collegiate Monastery of Wolfegg , a secular Augustinian canon monastery that was both grammar school and music school. There he was instructed in organ playing and composition . In 1802 Schmid, who had embarked on the career of a Catholic priest, became a beneficiary . Catholic Upper Swabia fell to the Protestant Kingdom of Württemberg in 1806 and the collegiate monastery was also closed in the course of secularization . Alois Schmid got the position of chaplain in Wolfegg and from 1810 began to compose a number of sacred works for the church choir of the community. From 1823 to 1825 he was pastor in neighboring Rötenbach and then until 1842 in Waldburg.

About 15 of Schmid's compositions have been preserved, including a requiem and two masses .

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