Alois von Reding

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Matthias Gottfried Eichler : Alois von Reding, 1801.

Count Alois Josef Fridolin Reding von Biberegg (born March  6, 1765 in Schwyz ; †  February 5, 1818 there ) was a Swiss politician and military.


His parents were Theodor Anton Reding von Biberegg (1726–1799), lieutenant colonel in Spanish service, and Magdalena von Biberegg, née Freuler. Like his brothers Theodor and Nazar, Alois embarked on a military career and served in Spain until 1794, most recently as a lieutenant colonel. After his return he became governor of the canton of Schwyz.

August Weckesser (1821–1899): "Alois von Reding accepts his father's blessing before he goes against the French."

After the Helvetic Republic was proclaimed in Aarau on April 12, 1798 , Uri, Schwyz, Nidwalden, Glarus and Zug decided to defend their statehood (and their subject areas) by force of arms and chose Reding as their commander in chief. When they had occupied Obwalden and Lucerne and moved towards Aarau, Zurich and Bern, the new government called on the French troops stationed in Switzerland. Reding won at Rothenthurm and Morgarten on May 2nd, but had to agree to an honorable surrender in the face of high losses.

After the coup d'état by the federalists in October 1801, he became Landammann of the Helvetic Republic. Overthrown by the Unitarians in April 1802, he participated in the counter-revolution ( Stecklikkrieg ) in September . Together with other leaders of the uprising, he was imprisoned in the fortress of Aarburg for a few months . After the introduction of mediation constitution by Napoleon Schwyzer elected him in 1803 and 1809 to the bailiff. Shortly before death he was by Louis XVIII. raised from baron to count status.

See also

Achim von Arnim used the imprisonment of Redings as an occasion for his little love story Aloys and Rose . William Wordsworth wrote a poem on a memorial stone for Reding: Memorial, near the Outlet of the Lake of Thun.


Web links

Commons : Alois von Reding  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Collected Poems of William Wordsworth, Ware: Wordsworth Poetry Library, 2006. p. 402.