Alpine ground beetle

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Alpine ground beetle
Carabus alpestris Sturm, 1915.png

Alpine ground beetle ( Carabus alpestris )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Ground beetle (Carabidae)
Subfamily : Carabinae
Genre : Real ground beetle ( Carabus )
Type : Alpine ground beetle
Scientific name
Carabus alpestris
Storm , 1814

The alpine ground beetle ( Carabus alpestris ) is a species of the real ground beetle ( Carabus ) that only lives in the Central European Alps .


The alpine ground beetle reaches a body length of 16 to 22 millimeters. It is copper-colored and shiny on the upper side of the body, but can also shimmer greenish or bronze-colored and be almost black. Compared to the very similar mountain forest ground beetle ( C. silvestris ), the pronotum is not concave at the base, but evenly narrowed. However, a clear determination is only possible on the basis of the genitals .


The alpine ground beetle is only found in the Central European Limestone Alps and the Hohe Tauern . He lives there in the Krummholzzone and the grass heath under stones and cow dung and can be found from June to August.


Web links

Commons : Alpine Beetle ( Carabus alpestris )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files