Elderly Care Act

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Basic data
Title: Act on Professions in Elderly Care
Short title: Elderly Care Act
Abbreviation: AltPflG
Type: Federal law
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany   
Issued on the basis of: Art. 74 para. 1 no. 19 GG
Legal matter: Special administrative law , professional law for the medical care professions
References : 2124-21
Original version from: November 17, 2000
( BGBl. I p. 1513 )
Entry into force on: predominantly August 1, 2003
New announcement from: August 25, 2003
( BGBl. I p. 1690 )
Last change by: Art. 14 G of August 15, 2019
( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1307, 1331 )
Effective date of the
last change:
March 1, 2020
(Art. 54 G of August 15, 2019)
Expiry: December 31, 2019
(Art. 15 G of July 17, 2017, Federal Law Gazette I p. 2581, 2613 )
GESTA : B041
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Geriatric Care Act in Germany regulates the permission to use the professional title of geriatric nurse and the associated training. It came into force on August 1, 2003 with the aim of guaranteeing a uniform level of training nationwide and increasing the attractiveness of the profession. Before that, there was no nationwide regulation of training in elderly care . It was valid until December 31, 2019 and was replaced by the Nursing Profession Act and the Nursing Profession Reform Act.

The act of caring for the elderly was not regulated by law. In contrast to the original plan, which is still reflected in the fact that the title of the law contains the plural, he did not cover training in geriatric care assistance . It falls within the competence of the federal states, which enact state laws for this. Details on training and testing are regulated by the Geriatric Care Training and Examination Ordinance.

Development of legislation on geriatric care training in Germany

The first geriatric care training in Germany was held in Marl in 1958 . At that time it contained 600 hours of theoretical and 280 hours of technical practical lessons (today: 2100 and 2500 hours). Different training regulations have existed in the federal states since 1969. Against the background of a demographic development with an increase in the elderly population , the German Association for Public and Private Welfare recommended in 1980 that the content of geriatric care training should be expanded and standardized. Attempts at standardization have failed since the mid-1980s due to resistance from the state of Bavaria . The Geriatric Care Act was promulgated in 2000 following a renewed initiative by the federal government in 1999 and should come into force in 2001. As a result of a norm control application by the Bavarian State Government, the entry into force was delayed until August 1, 2003. At that time there were 17 different state regulations, two in Hamburg alone. On October 24, 2002, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled in favor of the federal government's regulatory competence for the occupation of geriatric care and for the first time assigned the occupation of geriatric nurse, in contrast to that of geriatric care assistant, to the health professions . The transitional regulation of Section 29 guarantees the recognition of the professional title “Altenpfleger”, even if it was acquired before the Geriatric Care Act came into force.

Future development

As part of a legislative process, from 2015 to 2017 the merging of training with nursing training as part of a generalist nursing training across the breadth of professions was discussed. In 2017, the Nursing Occupation Act was passed in the form of a provisional compromise, although up to that point there was no agreement on the content of a future curriculum and the goals of internships in the various occupations, neither in the professional fields concerned nor in politics. Even the financing, which in future is to be provided through funds like in nursing, was not regulated at the time. The abolition of child nursing and geriatric care training was named in the law as a possibility to be examined (evaluation after 2026).

See also

 * as a shell law to the Nursing Profession Reform Act (2017, effective from 2020)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth on May 19, 2010. Retrieved on February 17, 2012 .
  2. Ruth Mamerow: Practical Guide in Care, pp. 27–30 . 3. Edition. Springer, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-12641-3 .
  3. ^ Alfred Schneider: Citizenship, Law and Professional Studies for Specialized Professions in Healthcare, p. 365 . Springer Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 978-3-540-43507-5 . Online: limited preview in Google Book search.
  4. Nationwide survey of training structures at geriatric nursing schools, p. 8, 21. 2006, accessed on November 28, 2014 .
  5. ^ Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of October 24, 2002, 1 BvF 1/01 .
  6. Rolf Hofert: From Case To Case - Care In Law: Legal Issues in Care from A - Z, p. 23 . Springer Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-16592-4 . Online: limited preview in Google Book search.
  7. regulated in Paragraph 63 PBRefG; Page on the creation, structure, provisions of the Nursing Profession Reform Act