Old Catholic Church in Poland

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Old Catholic Church in Poland
Oldcatholic Church in Poland maps.png
Basic data
Area : 312,685 km²
Management: Senior bishop, synod and council of prizes
Head  : Waldemar May
Supreme Bishop : vacat
Prior General : vacat
Priest : 1
Parishes : 1
Old Catholics : 10
Cathedral Church : No

The Old Catholic Church in the Republic of Poland ( Kościół Starokatolicki w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ) is an independent Catholic Church in Poland .

Past to present

It was the concern of Bishop Franciszek Hodur , the leading bishop of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC) in the USA, to found a church independent of Rome in the Polish homeland. Head of this church was Bishop Władysław Marcin Faron, who was ordained bishop in Scranton in 1930 by Bishop Hodur. After the break within this church , Bishop Zygmunt Szypold was consecrated in Lódź on April 13, 1947 by Bishops Jakub RM Próchniewski, Bartłomiej Przysiecki, Wladysław M. Faron and Thomas Czernohorski-Fehrervary from Budapest.

Bishop Szypold led the church from 1948 to 1964 and died on February 19, 1964 in Wroclaw . After his death, the communist government delegated the Old Catholic Church and transferred the church property to the Polish Catholic Church , which sees itself as the legitimate successor of the church founded by Hodur.

However, despite the threat of persecution from State Security, the clergy have continued to work underground and care for the faithful. Because of the political situation, the election of a new bishop was impossible. During this difficult time, the church was looked after by the Mariavite Bishop Maria Paulus Norbert Maas from Zittau .

After the end of communist rule , the Old Catholic believers and the clergy who were still alive decided to reactivate the church. In 1993 a synod took place in Jelenia Góra / Hirschberg , which elected the representatives of the Polish Old Catholics and the new head. As head priest Wojciech Zdzisław Kolm was from Warsaw chosen which his episcopal ordination in 1999 from Episcopi Vagantes received Maria Udo Norbert Szuwart from Cologne. From 2006 to 2016 Marek Kordzik was Senior Bishop.

The parts of the Church that were separated from the PNCC in 1976, but still existed, submitted to the spiritual primacy of the Leading Bishop of the Old Catholic Church in Poland in 2016 . Bishop Marek Kordzik was thus also the leading bishop of the parishes in Belarus, Spain, Romania, Italy, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina. To express this primacy, he has had the title of Archbishop since 2016. After the death of Archbishop Marek Kordzik in December 2016, the Synod elected Priest Artur Wiecinski as administrator in January 2017 . Archbishop Willian Da Silva transferred to the Polish Old Catholic Church in March 2017. In Poland, too, a PNKK congregation in Poland switched to the Polish Old Catholics. In Neuwedell (Drawno), healing cures are carried out in a joint service. Since 2016/17 the church has been in close contact with the Order of Lazarus .

On July 22nd, 2017 the theological autodidact Artur Robert Wieciński received his episcopal ordination by the former leading bishop of the Old Catholic Church in Poland, Wojciech Zdislaw Kolm and was acc. Resolution of the synod of February 22nd, 2017 on the leading bishop of the denominational community with the title Archbishop . At the time of his episcopal ordination, Artur Robert Wieciński was just 26 years old and was the youngest incumbent bishop of all Christian denominations.

On July 29, 2017, the Archbishop of the Old Catholic Church in Poland, Artur Robert Wieciński, issued a public announcement, according to which he stated that, contrary to other claims at his episcopal ordination, the LGBT activist Szymon Niemiec, who as the vagant bishop of the unrecognized religious community "United Ecumenical Church "in Poland, had no part and that there was no official cooperation between the faith communities. The official citation for the Episcopal Ordination of Artur Robert Wieciński was announced that the bishops are invited all Christian denominations in the sense of ecumenical dialogue, the participation of the German Vagantenbischofs Maria Udo Norbert Szuwart from Cologne, representatives of the Order of Mariavites in Germany - foreign jurisdiction was announced, but Szuwart stayed away from the festivities.

Controversies and scandals

The head bishop Wojciech Zdzislaw Kolm was arrested in 2003 in Hirschberg (Jelenia Gora) for the multiple sexual abuse of underage boys and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment. In 2006 he was removed from office and excommunicated in absentia for these offenses by the Consistory of the Church. In 2008 he was sentenced to another year imprisonment for similar offenses. After his release from prison in 2011, he appealed his excommunication, which enabled him to return to the church organization.

On September 18, 2016, there was a scandal after Bishop Marek Kordzik registered the heavily indebted, listed Evangelical Church of Aleksandrov as his bishopric in agreement with the administrator of the building, pastor Jacek Stasiak, who was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. By registering the building as the new headquarters of the church, a foreclosure auction of the building could have been averted. The local press exposed the scandal and the Polish Old Catholic Church, headed by Bishop Marek Kordzik, was deprived of the right to use the building in October 2016.

Subdeacon Marek N. was arrested in Lodz on October 26, 2016 after several deaths occurred in a commercial homeless shelter he operated and designated as a Church facility. Marek N. has already had several criminal records for fraud and mistreatment of wards in various old people's and nursing homes, all of which he had run as a representative of the church with the approval of the leading bishop Marek Kordzik. He has been in custody since then and awaits his trial. Marek N. used his cassock to recruit customers in hospitals and social institutions for his old people's and nursing homes, where he pretended to be a Catholic priest. N. ran his profitable nursing homes even though a court had banned him from such work because of the mistreatment of wards.

Senior bishop

Chief Bishop Marek Kordzik
Bishop Willian da Silva

In contrast to the Polish Catholic Church, the Old Catholic Church in Poland has a leading bishop. Leading bishops were:

  • Archbishop Władysław Marcin Faron (1932–1948)
  • Archbishop Zygmunt Szypold (1948–1965)
  • Archbishop Piotr Bogdan Filipowicz (1965–1993)
  • Bishop Wojciech Zdzisław Kolm (1993-2006)
  • Bishop Marek Kordzik (2006-2016), since 2016 with the title Archbishop has died
  • Archbishop Artur Wiecinski.
  • Supreme Bishop Archbishop Willian Da Silva (now the Polish Church in Brazil)


The Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral in Łódź (Episcopal Church)
  • Old Catholic parish Warsaw


No more medals

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Komunikat Secretariatu Kurii Biskupiej Kościoła Starokatolickiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej nt. święceń biskupich w dn. 22 lipca 2017 r. Retrieved July 30, 2017 .
  2. Oświadczenie Zwierzchnika kościoła Starokatolickiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Retrieved July 30, 2017 .
  3. Piotr Kanikowski: "Ksiądz" czyhał na chłopców . (Polish, online [accessed July 19, 2017]).
  4. PLATFORMA-EKUMENIZMU. Retrieved July 19, 2017 (Polish).
  5. "przyjaciele" PEDOFILAy. Retrieved July 19, 2017 (Polish).
  6. Pedofil na uroczystościach miejskich w Aleksandrowie? In: Narodowa Łódź . (Polish, [1] [accessed July 19, 2017]).
  7. Ksiądz Marek N. z domu grozy aresztowany . October 27, 2016 (Polish, [2] [accessed July 19, 2017]).
  8. fact.pl: Ten "ksiądz" gnębił babcie. Cewnikował, więził, okradał… March 19, 2016 (Polish, fakt.pl [accessed July 19, 2017]).
  9. Dom opieki w Zgierzu. Dlaczego pomoc przyszła za późno? | Oficjalna strona programu UWAGA! TVN. Retrieved July 19, 2017 (Polish).