Ambrozije Šarčević

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Ambrozije "Boza" Šarčević (in Hungarian sources: Sárcsevics Ambrus ) (born March 30, 1820 in Subotica ; † November 29, 1899 ) was a writer , translator , lexicographer , publicist and author of Croatian origin (from the group of Bunjewatzen ) from the Batschka .

He passed the high school diploma in Subotica. He then studied philosophy and rights in Budapest , Oradea (Oradea) and Pécs (Pécs). He then worked as a judge, teacher, stenographer, county attorney and city archivist.

Šarčević worked in Klausenburg ( Cluj-Napoca ) and Pressburg (Bratislava), which were then part of Hungary. From 1848 to 1860 he worked in Bacsalmas as a small area judge . In 1860 he returned to Subotica, where he stayed until his death.

He was the opponent of the Hungarian Revolution , like other respected Croatians from there, Bishop Ivan Antunović , Vinko Somborčević , Baron Josip Rudić Aljmaški and others.

He worked with the Bunjevačke i šokačke novine , where he wrote the polemics on linguistic equality, inter-ethnic relations and foreign policy in Hungary.

Ambrozije Šarčević died on November 29, 1899 at the age of 79.

Since 1971, Šarčević has had a monument in Subotica (by Ivan Meštrović ).


  • Zbirka mudrih i poučnih izrekah , 1869 (together with Alba M. Kuntić in Počeci borbe za preporod bačkih Bunjevaca: jedan uspeh akcije kneza Mihaila i Ilije Garašanina za nacionalno oslobođenje i ujedinjenje )
  • Magyar-Délszláv Közigazgatási és Törvenykezési M szótár. Magyar-Délszláv resz. Magjarsko-Jugoslavenski politični i pravosudni Riečnik. Magjarsko-Yugoslavensky dio. , 1870
  • Tolmač izvornih, književnih i zemljopisnih jugoslavenskih riči , 1870
  • Politični i pravosudni riečnik
  • Elemi népiskolai Magyar-Bunyevácz-Sokácz Szótár. A bunyevácz-sokácz ajkúak népiskoláiban, a tanítóknak magyar nyelven vezetett tanítása és a növendékek alapos tanulása és okulása megkönnyítésére irta és kiadta , 1893
  • Magyar-Szerb-Horvát-Sokácz Könyvészeti Szótár , 1894

He translated into Hungarian the book by Miloš Popović Nacionalno pitanje u Mađarskoj sa srpskog stanovištva in 1865.

Works about Šarčević

  • Ante Sekulić : Ambrozije Šarčević i njegova dva rječnika , Filologija. Knj. 10 (1980.-1981.)
  • Ante Sekulić in Ambrozije Šarčević (1820-1899) , 1993.
  • Josip Buljovčić : Leksikografski rad Ambrozija Šarčevića, Klasje naših ravni, 1-2 / 2002.

Hungarian academic István Nyomárkay also wrote the works on Šarčević.


  • Josip Buljovčić: Leksikografski rad Ambrozija Šarčevića , Klasje naših ravni, 1-2 / 2002.
  1. Zvonik br. 137 Kojim Bunjevcima je stalo da budu Hrvati, a kojima nije ?, March 2006.