Amda Jesus

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Amda Jesus ( Ethiop . ዓምደ ኢየሱስ , "Support Jesus"; throne name Badel Nan በድል ናኝ ) was Negus Negest ( Emperor ) of Ethiopia and a member of the Solomon dynasty from 1433 to 1434 . He was the younger son of Takla Mariam .

EA Wallis Budge notes that Amda Jesus ruled for eight months without leaving any descendants. The chronicles contain no information about his actions and the rapid succession of rulers on the throne amazed even Al-Maqrīzī .


  1. ^ Budge: A History of Ethiopia: Nubia and Abyssinia . 1928 Anthropological Publications (Oosterhout, The Netherlands 1970), p. 303.
predecessor Office successor
Sarwe Jesus Emperor of Ethiopia
1433 - 1434
Zara Yaqob