Amorphous Glacier

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Amorphous Glacier
location Victoria Land , East Antarctica
Mountains Northern Foothills , Transantarctic Mountains
Coordinates 74 ° 42 ′  S , 163 ° 56 ′  E Coordinates: 74 ° 42 ′  S , 163 ° 56 ′  E
Amorphous Glacier (Antarctica)
Amorphous Glacier
drainage Terra Nova Bay

The Amorphous Glacier (from English amorphous 'formless, without shape' ) is an undulating glacier on the Scott coast of the East Antarctic Victoria Land . In the Northern Foothills on the shores of Terra Nova Bay, it flows from Mount Abbott into an estuary covered by debris .

The New Zealand Antarctic Place-Names Committee descriptively named it in 1989.

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