Amos Bertolacci

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Amos Bertolacci (* 20th century ) is an Italian historian of philosophy in the field of Islamic philosophy of the Middle Ages .

After the laureate in philosophy in 1991 at the University of Pisa , Bertolacci was awarded a dissertation at the University of Florence in 1998 with a dissertation “Avicenna ed Averroè come fonti del Commento di Alberto Magno alla Metafisica di Aristotele: la dottrina dei trascendentali nei commentatori arabi di Aristotele e nel tredicesimo secolo latino ”in philosophy (dottorato). A second doctorate (Ph.D.) took place in 2005 at Yale University in the field of Near Eastern Languages ​​and Civilizations with a dissertation “The Reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ: Textual and Doctrinal Analysis” with Dimitri Gutas . This was followed by a year as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Thomas Institute at the University of Cologne (2005–2006). Since 2010 he has been Associate Professor of Islamic Philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore , Pisa .

Research priorities

Bertolacci works in the field of Islamic philosophy, especially on the reception of the metaphysics of Aristotle , especially in Avicenna and Averroes , among other things as sources for Albertus Magnus .

Fonts (selection)


  • The Reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ. A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought (= Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science , Volume 63). Brill, Leiden / Boston 2006


  • Libro della Guarigione, Le Cose Divine di Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā). A cura di A. Bertolacci (an annotated Italian translation of Ilāhiyyāt of Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ, with introduction, corrections to the Arabic text and indices). Hard-cover edition: Collezione “Classici della Filosofia”, UTET (Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese), Turin 2007. Paperback edition, Collezione “Classici del Pensiero” 53, UTET Libreria, Turin 2008.

Web links