Amphidamas (Lokris)

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Amphidamas ( Greek  Ἀμφιδάμας ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

Amphidamas lived in the eastern local city ​​of Opus and was the father of a son who was slain in anger while playing knuckles by the very young Patroclus , who also came from Opus . While the son of Amphidamas is still nameless in Homer , he is later called Klesonymos or Kleitonymos. In the tragedy of Astragalastai in the early 3rd century BC Alexandros Aitolus , who wrote about the youth of Patroclus, wrote his name as Lysandros. Seems to have known the Son as Aianes Lokrische tradition, which is why Strabo him with a Aianeion sanctuary and called a source called Aianis in connection brought. But there is probably a mixture or confusion with the Locrian aias .


  1. Homer , Iliad 23: 85-89.
  2. Kleisonymos at Pherekydes in a Scholion to Homer, Ilias 23, 87 (see FIG. Pherekydes, fragments of the Greek historian 3 F 65), Klesonymos at Hellanicus in Scholion to Homer, Ilias 12, 1 (see FIG. Hellanicus, fragments of the Greek historian 4 F 145).
  3. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 13, 8.
  4. Scholion to Homer, Iliad 23:86.
  5. Scholion to Homer, Iliad 12: 1.
  6. Strabon 9, 425.
  7. ^ Charles Henry Oldfather : Aianes. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Supplement III, Stuttgart 1918, column 63 ( digitized version ).
