Ampulex fasciata

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Ampulex fasciata
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Ampulicidae
Genre : Ampulex
Type : Ampulex fasciata
Scientific name
Ampulex fasciata
Jurine , 1807

Ampulex fasciata is a Hymenoptera from the family of ampulicidae .


The animals reach a body length of 5.5 to 8.5 millimeters. Their body is completely black, which makes it easy to mistake the species for wasps . Your prothorax is enlarged like a neck. The wings have dark blemishes and the lobes on the pronotum reach the scales on the wing joint ( tegulae ). The abdomen of the females is pointed.


The species occurs in southern and central Europe. It colonizes dry and temperature-favored forest edges in the hill country with loose tree vegetation and needs standing dead wood. The animals fly from June to September. The species is rare in Central Europe, but is more common than before.

Way of life

The females of Ampulex fasciata probably lay their nests under bark or in rotten wood. The brood is supplied with forest cockroaches of the genus Ectobius . The adults are very good runners and hide in cracks in the bark when there is danger and very rarely fly up.

supporting documents


  • Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .