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Jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa)

Jewel wasp ( Ampulex compressa )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Subordination : Waist Wasps (Apocrita)
Superfamily : Apoidea
without rank: Digger wasps (Spheciformes)
Family : Ampulicidae
Scientific name
Shuckard , 1840

Ampulicidae is a family of digger wasps (Spheciformes). It is represented in Europe with five species in two genera. The group is considered by some authors as a subfamily of the family Sphecidae , their taxonomic position has not yet been fully clarified. Outwardly, the wasps are similar to those of the Sceliphrini tribe within the Sphecidae.


The animals can be recognized by their very elongated prothorax and the longitudinal furrows (parapsids) running over the entire mesonotum . Their humeral tubercles reach up to the tegulae , the cover scales of the wing base.

Occurrence and habitat

The Ampulicidae are distributed worldwide, with their main distribution area being in the tropics.

Way of life

The way of life of the representatives of the Ampulicidae is considered to be very original. Unlike the other digger wasps, they do not dig nests. The larval food consists of one or two cockroaches , which are introduced into an existing cavity in the earth, under tree bark, in dead wood or in abandoned nests of hymenoptera. The cavity used is well sealed with pieces of wood, earth or stones after the provision and egg-laying. The wasps only stun their prey lightly with one sting. They are then grabbed by the mandibles by the antennae, legs or the prothorax and dragged backwards into the nest. This transport of prey also distinguishes the family from the other digger wasps. Otherwise, this behavior only occurs in the wasps (Pompilidae).


All currently recognized recent subtaxa down to genus and European species are listed below:

Non-European species (selection)

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Ampulicidae. Fauna Europaea, accessed January 1, 2010 .
  2. Ampulicidae. Wasps of Africa and Madagascar, accessed January 1, 2010 .
  3. Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 , pp. 109 .
  4. Wojciech J. Pulawski: Family group names and classification , Version May 22, 2009, Online (PDF; 113 kB), last accessed January 1, 2010


  • Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 .

Web links

Commons : Ampulicidae  - Collection of images, videos and audio files