Franz Rös

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Franz Rös (born December 25, 1920 in Bad Hersfeld ; † April 5, 2011 ) was a major general of the National People's Army (NVA) of the German Democratic Republic (GDR).


At first, like his father, Rös worked as a cloth weaver. Between 1939 and 1944 he served in the Wehrmacht as a non-commissioned officer in the flak cartillery and was then taken prisoner by the Soviets until 1945 .

After he joined the KPD in 1945, he became a protective police officer in Sömmerda on November 15, 1945 , where he also became a member of the SED in 1946 . After a year as head of department for cadres at the People's Police Inspectorate (VP Inspection) Thuringia , he was in command of the 6th VP Inspection in Thuringia from 1948 to 1949. Subsequently, he was first company commander at the VP School Naumburg (Saale) and then between 1950 and 1952 commander of the 1st command of the VP readiness in Weißenfels . After he was an officer auditor at the College of Officers, he was in charge of the command of the Kasernierte Volkspolizei (KVP) in Pinnow (Uckermark) from 1953 to 1954 . After a brief assignment as deputy commanding officer for training in the CIP command in Prenzlau , he was commander of the CIP command in Pinnow between 1954 and 1956.

This was followed by a two-year assignment as deputy commander for training the 9th Panzer Division . On September 1, 1958, he was entrusted with the rank of Colonel in command of the 7th Panzer Division in Dresden and held this position until October 31, 1960. After a brief period as an officer at the Friedrich Engels Military Academy in Dresden, he was 1 from 1961 to 1965. Deputy Commander of the 11th Motorized Rifle Division (11th MSD) in Halle . After a two-year officer course at the military academy "Friedrich Engels", which he graduated in 1967 with the academic degree of a diploma in military science, he was deputy chief for territorial work of the military district command in Halle until 1969 . Afterwards he was deputy chief and chief of staff there, before he was finally chief of the Halle military district command from 1974 until his discharge on January 31, 1982. On October 5, 1978, on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the GDR's foundation , he was appointed major general by the chairman of the GDR's National Defense Council , Erich Honecker . From March 1976 to February 1986 he was a member of the SED district leadership in Halle , most recently as a party veteran.

Rös last lived in Halle (Saale).



Individual evidence

  1. Freedom of March 29, 1976 and February 13, 1984.
  2. The city congratulates In: AmtsBlatt der Stadt Halle (Saale), No. 23/2010, p. 2 (accessed on April 3, 2015).