Dombrowken District

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The Dombrowken district was a Prussian district in the Johannisburg district ( Gumbinnen district , from 1905: Allenstein district ) in the province of East Prussia , which was founded on April 8, 1874. The district was named "Eichendorf District" on November 24, 1930.

Originally five villages belonged to the district, in the end there were four.

Surname Changed name from
1938 to 1945
Polish name Remarks
Buwelno Vorwerk Ublick Buwełno after Czierspienten eingemeindet
Czierspienten (from 1905):
Dombrowken (from 1929 :)
Drosdowen Drosselwalde Drozdowo
Sastrosnen Snake flow Zastrużne

On January 1, 1945, the districts included Drosselwalde, Eichendorf, Schlangenfließ and Seehöhe.

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