Analogization (society)

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In a social context, the term analogization refers to a counter-trend to the digitization of society or digital transformation , which has been developing more recently, which takes a critical look at the effects and consequences of the massive spread of digital systems and their penetration into all areas of human life and suggests alternatives.

The term is not to be understood in the actual sense of the word (see analog ), but is based on the fact that many people associate the word analog with outdated , traditional but also conventional and thus seen as the opposite of digital , which is progressive and "modern" is linked. It is precisely this general positive connotation due to large parts of society and their unreflective reception of digital systems, media and behavior that is a main point of criticism.


Sooner or later, every trend also creates a counter-trend, including digitization. Anyone who is annoyed by the constant availability and distraction of mobile digital devices, who expects sustainability beyond the next generation of digital devices or who does not want to carry a computer system with them to read an article , will soon look for alternatives and may find that digitization is not a panacea is, but an aid that can also be viewed critically. Anyone who then consciously turns to non-digital systems and exchanges ideas with like-minded people is part of the counter-trend “analogization” .

Analogization often takes place for a limited space and time (e.g. cell phone fasting) or is related to certain areas of life (e.g. clocks, music, photography).


Digital systems bring enormous performance and flexibility with them, which at low prices justifies their use in many areas. However, if you include other aspects, such as If, for example, raw materials are required for the production of short-lived devices and are becoming scarcer, energy consumption or sustainability over many years ( archiving ), the decision can be quite different (e.g. for a book made of paper that can still be used after 100 years will be able to read without further aids). Such considerations , which are rarely considered in the current digitalization euphoria, encourage the trend towards analogization.

The social trend of analogization leads to a critical and constructive examination of digitization.


  • With cell phone fasting, one completely foregoes the use of a digital cell phone or smartphone for a certain period of time (e.g. 1 week) .
  • In the field of performing music, musicians often deliberately take a position opposite to loud and exaggerated presentations, play unamplified music and, for example , do without B. on lighting effects and video art as background

  • After digital watches with numeric displays were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s, hands soon came back into fashion. In the luxury segment, analog mechanical watches were never out of date anyway.
  • In the hi-fi sector, music signals were processed in purely analog form for a long time, until in the 1980s the CD began its triumphant advance as a digital medium and in particular replaced the record . But there remained lovers and meanwhile (2020) the record ("vinyl") has a firm place in the music business again.
  • Occasionally you will now (2020) meet again hobby photographers who consciously want to deal with the process of photography and draw artistic inspiration from it through the use of analog cameras .
  • Digital information is very short-lived and you always need a suitable computer system to use it . This can be remedied by a directly readable, analog hard copy on a durable medium (e.g. acid-free paper or microfilm ).
  • In the field of music production, musicians are increasingly favoring a production technique that is again more independent of computers or digital devices in order to delimit themselves from the age of electronic music of the 1990s and 2000s, in which digital systems found their way. In this context, a return to older analog technology can also be observed, even in cases where this cannot be justified from a technical point of view.

See also


  • Andreas Dohmen: How digital do we want to live? The most important decision for our future . Patmos Verlag, Ostfildern 2019, ISBN 978-3-8436-1151-0 .
  • André Wilkens: The new bio is analog: a navigation aid through our digital world. Revised edition. (Fischer paperback) S. Fischer, Frankfurt a. M. [2017], ISBN 978-3-596-29901-0

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eduard Kaeser: Trojan horses of our time. Critical essays on digitization . Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2018, ISBN 978-3-7965-3881-0 .
  2. Counter-trend de-digitization and reanalogization ... In: - the portal for HR practitioners by Stefan Scheller. April 24, 2017, accessed April 4, 2020 (German).
  3. Brave old world - from digitization back to analog. In: PERSPECTIVE. September 21, 2017, accessed April 4, 2020 (German).
  4. Anyone who does not analogize is out of the window! | Workshop digitization vs. Analogization. In: Affluent Cooperative. January 9, 2020, accessed April 4, 2020 (German).
  5. Julia Culen: The analogization of digital. Internet portal, section "Digital transformation, thoughts & ideas", July 15, 2019 (English).
  6. Dare to be analog. Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  7. Reiner Göldner: Archiving by Analogization!? | CHNT | Vienna. Retrieved April 4, 2020 (American English).
  8. Cell phone fasting: reflection by doing without? Accessed April 4, 2020 (German).
  9. Vinyl fans. Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  10. ^ The Analog Photographer. In: The Analog Photographer. December 23, 2016, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  11. National Archives: Microfilm. August 15, 2016, accessed April 4, 2020 .