Anani Jawaschow

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Anani Iwanow Jawaschow ( Bulgarian Анани Иванов Явашов ; born October 1, 1855 in Rasgrad , then Ottoman Empire , now Bulgaria ; † May 25, 1934 ) was a Bulgarian educator , botanist and archaeologist .


Anani Iwanow Jawaschow attended high schools in Bolhrad ( Bolgrad Gymnasium ) and Prague after completing his first education in his hometown , before successfully studying industrial chemistry at the Czech State Polytechnic in Prague from 1881 to 1884 . In the summer of 1884 he returned to Bulgaria and worked from then until his retirement in 1925 as a teacher, school director or district inspector, mainly in Razgrad and Varna and for a short time in Sofia , Shumen , Swishtov , Dobrich and Veliko Tarnovo . In the Principality of Bulgaria , which had only existed since 1878 , he was largely responsible for the Bulgarian educational system due to the fact that he was one of the few highly educated educators in the Bulgarian province. He translated important textbooks for elementary and middle schools.

During his work, Jawaschow also engaged in social work and research. So he was elected as representative and secretary in the 3rd Great National Assembly. In addition to his cultural work as chairman of the Tschitalischte Raswitije , he was also involved in the establishment of the beekeeping association , the association of winegrowers, the archaeological society and the archaeological museum of his hometown. Since 1900 he was a full member of the natural science-mathematical department of the Bulgarian Literary Society ( Българско книжовно дружество ), today's Academy of Sciences .

He collected plants and carried out archaeological digs. In 1887 he discovered a basilica from the 6th century in Abrittus . He also wrote botanical, archaeological and historical articles, including the annual reports of the Razgrad Archaeological Society.

Works (selection)

  • Принос за проучване на българскате флора (1887)
  • Принос към народната ботаническа медицина (1905)
  • Разград. Неговото археологическо и историческо минало. Част I (1930)
  • Текето Демир баба (1934)
  • Материали за български ботаничен речник (1939)
scientific articles
  • Anastica hierohontica (1897)
  • Mandragora officinalis (1897)
  • Календар на "Природа" (1901)
  • Зимният сън на природата (1903)
