Anastasio Mártir Aquino San Carlos

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Anastasio Mártir Aquino San Carlos (born April 15, 1792 in Santiago Nonualco , † July 24, 1833 in Ciudad San Vicente ) was a Tayte ( indigenous prince ) of the Nonualco siblings in El Salvador .

His parents were María de San Carlos and Tomás de Aquino. The department of La Paz (El Salvador) was the land of the Nonualco siblings. Aquino worked on an indigo plantation . A hacienda owner put Aquino's brother in jail.


The colonial system of the Cabildos de indios was a colonial central economy with self-determined administration of the indigenous people. With independence in 1821, the class protection of the Spanish crown for tributary indigenous people, which was often only cynical, disappeared.

In the years after independence in the communities of the indigenous people, the armies forcibly recruited troops for numerous uprisings of the oligarchy from the Fiebres and Serviles . This also led to protests in El Salvador, the most violent of which took place in San Miguel . Protests were also suppressed in Chalatenango , Izalco and Sonsonate .

On January 27, 1825, the government of the Central American Republic issued a decree with which the tierras baldías o realengos, including the ejidos, were privatized. As the legal successor to the Spanish Crown, the government sold ejido land to investors. The land acquisition was notarized at notaries in Ciudad San Vicente . In 1832 the government of the Central American Republic imposed a property and income tax. The investors, who had acquired ejido land from 1825, partly speculating on higher prices, now tried to collect a lease for the ejido land from the indigenous communities, which was perceived by the nonualco siblings as an attack on their community.

The riot

In early 1833 indigenous protests took place in Santiago Nonualco. At the end of January 1833, about 3,000 nonualcos had gathered. The commander of the Cabildo de Españoles of San Vicente Juan José Guzmán was ordered to stifle the protest, in which he was ambushed. An attack by government troops on February 5, 1833 also failed and when Juan José Guzmán found out about the defeat he fled.

On February 14, 1833, the neighboring city of Zacatecoluca , San Vicente was occupied by indigenous people. The Nonualco siblings tried to get hold of the property titles and / or their owners. The residents of San Vicente hide all valuables. Some citizens of San Vicente fled. Aquino was designated the Alcalde of San Vicente.

Los decretos de Tepetitán

In Tepetitán he decreed:

  • Decree A

Anastasio Aquino, General Commander of the Liberating Arms of Santiago Nonualco, on that day I agreed to impose penalties for crimes that are committed and they are the following:

  1. Whoever kills will pay for a life with another.
  2. The hand of the injured will be cut off.
  3. Anyone who attacks the civil authorities and the military chiefs will be punished with ten years of public work.
  4. Those who attack married or cohabiting women will be punished according to the law.
  5. Those who rob will receive the punishment of hand cutting the first time.
  6. Those who walk after 9:00 p.m. or later are at risk of death; and if they survive the risk of paying for their transgression with a year of public works.
  7. Those who make liqueurs suffer a fine of five pesos the first time and ten the second time.

Given in Tepetitan on February 16, 1833.

  • Decree B

I, Anastasio Aquino, General Commander of the Liberating Arms of Santiago Nonualco, agreed on that day that all debtors who are in the area in which my government is in effect remain free from the obligation to pay. Anyone who tries to collect debts before this is agreed will face ten years in prison, which he will pay in public works.

Given in Tepetitan, on the night of February 16, 1833. ”

Indio Aquino

The propaganda of the speculators spread that Aquino had removed a crown from a figure of Saint Joseph from the church of Nuestra Señora del Pilar and had crowned himself king of the Nonualcos. Matilde Marín, the sister of José Escolastico Marín , is said to have been forced barefoot to walk to the Hacienda Cerro Sihuatepeque (N 13 ° 37 '0 , W 88 ° 36' 0 ), where property titles were suspected. She cursed Aquino as unrestrained, which is said to have impressed Aquino in terms of her courage, he murdered his wife as a Catholic and married Matilde Marín.

Power question

The invisible hand of the Liberal Party had emptied the treasury. Outstanding pay of the government troops and the occupation of the place of residence of Mariano Prado Baca , San Vicente led to Mariano Prado Baca fling from the province of El Salvador on January 9, 1833 and taking over his position as Supremo Director from his deputy Joaquín de San Martín y Ulloa has been. Joaquín de San Martín commissioned Ramón Belloso to crack down on the protest. The government of the Partido Conservador sent two priests to negotiate. The priest Juan Bautista Navarro had contact with the Nonualco and was supposed to persuade them to give up. The government managed to raise a militia to attack the Nonualco. This militia was led by citizens who were harmed in the search for the land titles. Mayor C. Cuellar let the Nonualco attack without coordination and was defeated.

Cholera was rampant in Santiago Nonualco . On the morning of February 28, 1833, Colonel Juan José López attacked Santiago Nonualco, after which the residents fled the village. Aquino could not initially be captured. In order to take him prisoner, amnesty was promised to those who would reveal his whereabouts and hand him over .


Of high stature; strong and with developed muscles; protruding cheekbones, flat nose, straight hair, can be black, skin color brown or copper-colored.

He was captured on April 23, 1833. He was taken to Zacatecoluca, where he was sentenced to death. He was fusilated in San Vicente. The head of his corpse was cut off and placed in a cage with a sign that read "ejemplo de revoltosos" (example for insurgents).


A priest who his captors led and him with Juan Bautista Navarro before his execution exorcised , describes it as follows: The freshness of this wicked in his misfortune caused shiver me. His face has an ironic and murderous smile from ear to ear. His flesh is firm and strong, he can neither read nor write, but is attentive and alert. He tells me and Father Navarro about his plans to free the Indians from the slavery in which the Chapetones (colloquial for Salvadoreno) find themselves. He masters the tricks of the Indians and has the charm of the villains.

Roque Dalton and Pedro Geoffroy Rivas processed the life of Aquino in works.


  1. ^ Iniciativa Marxista El Salvador, ANASTASIO AQUINO ( Memento of April 9, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  2. HISTORY OF CENTRAL AMERICA | content | p.42-59 | p.79-107 | p.145-164 | p.238-263 , THE HISTORY COMPANY, PUBLISHERS SAN FRANCISCO, 1887
  3. Roque Dalton, Las historias prohibidas del Pulgarcito , Siglo XXI, 1999 240 pages, p. 30