Mikio Ando

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Mikio Andō ( Japanese 安藤 美 紀 夫 , Andō Mikio , real name: Andō Ichirō 安藤 一郎 ; * January 12, 1930 in Kyōto ; † March 17, 1990 ) was a Japanese children's book author , literary critic and university teacher.


Mikio Andō studied Italian literature at the University of Kyoto and after graduating first worked as a teacher at a high school in Hokkaidō . From 1957 he published translations of Italian children's book literature, including works by Gianni Rodari . In the course of his translation activities he began to write himself and made his debut in 1961 with Shiroi risu ( 白 い り す , white squirrel ), for which he received the culture award of the Sankei children's book publisher ( 産 経 児 童 出版 文化 賞 , Sankei Jidō Shuppan Bunkashō ). In 1973 he was awarded for Dendenmushi Keiba ( でんでんむしの競馬, worm races ) the Hans Christian Andersen Award , the Noma Children's Book Award ( 野間児童文芸賞 , Noma Jido Bungeishō ) and the Prize of the Society of Japanese children's authors ( 日本児童文学者協会賞 , Nihon Jido Bungakusha Kyōkaishō ). Since 1974 he has taught at the Japanese Women's University .

Works (selection)

Children's books

  • 1961 Shiroi risu ( 白 い り す )
  • 1966 Poiyaumbe monogatari ( ポ イ ヤ ウ ン ベ 物語 )
  • 1966 Sōgen no minashiko ( 草原 の み な し 子 )
  • 1968 Hi o fukuyama to ōii numa ( ひ を ふ く や ま と あ お い ぬ ま )
  • 1972 Dendenmushi keiba ( で ん で ん む し の 競 馬 )


  • 1958 Emilio Salgari Kuroi kaizoku ( 黒 い 海賊 , German The Black Corsair )
  • 1963 Carlo Collodi Pinokkio ( ピ ノ ッ キ オ , German Pinocchio )
  • 1963 Edmondo De Amicis Kuore ( ク オ レ , German Cuore )
  • 1966 Elsa Morante Katerīna no fushigina tabi ( カ テ リ ー ナ の ふ し ぎ な 旅 , Original: Le straordinarie avventure di Caterina )
  • 1967 Gianni Rodari Jappu-kun uchū e to bidasu ( ジ ッ プ く ん 宇宙 へ と び だ す , original: Gip nel televisore. Favola in orbita )
  • 1968 Italo Calvino Marukovaruto san no shiki ( マ ル コ ヴ ​​ァ ル ド さ ん の 四季 , Original: Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città , German Marcovaldo or The Seasons in the City )
  • 1985 Gianni Rodari Usotsuki kuni no jerusomīno ( う そ つ き 国 の ジ ェ ル ソ ミ ー ノ , Original: Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi , German Gelsomino in the land of liars )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 安藤 美 紀 夫 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus /kotobank.jp. January 20, 2009, Retrieved July 28, 2011 (Japanese, online version by Nihon Jinmei Daijiten . Kodansha).