Andrés Madariaga

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Andrés Madariaga (* 1878 in Santiago de Chile , † 1920 ibid) was a Chilean painter .

Madariaga studied at the Eschuela de Bellas Artes with Fernando Álvarez de Sotomayor and was one of the painters of the Generación del Trece as his pupil . His other teachers were Pedro Lira , Agustín Undurraga and Carlos Lastra . Ricardo Gilbert , Ezequiel Plaza and Fernando Meza were among his friends .

In 1918 Madariaga was one of the founding members of the Sociedad Nacional de Bellas Artes . Two years later he died as a victim of a typhus epidemic in Santiago. His painting Cabeza de Niña is in the possession of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes , while the Pinacoteca of the Universidad de Concepción owns the works Fuente del Santa Lucía and Retrato de Adolfo Quinteros .
