Andrea Briosco

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Andrea Briosco, called il Riccio

Andrea Briosco (born April 1, 1470 in Trento , † July 8, 1532 in Padua ), also known as Il Riccio ( German  the curly one ), was an Italian sculptor , goldsmith and medalist during the Renaissance .


Briosco can be traced back to Padua in the last decade of the 15th century and worked in the workshop of Bartolomeo Bellano . His most famous work is the Easter candlestick in the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, on which biblical and pagan scenes are depicted. The tomb of Antonio Trombetta (1521–24) is located in the same church . Briosco worked in the classical style of antiquity and, in addition to some larger bronze works and many small bronzes, also created terracotta figures. Another important work by Briosco is the Della Torre monument in the church of San Fermo Maggiore in Verona with eight bronze reliefs. In the Vienna Kunstkammer there is a small sculpture "Boy with the goose". Riccio copied an ancient model of the "goose stranglers", which has unfortunately been lost. The model is known from the description of Pliny.


Web links

Commons : Andrea Briosco  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ L. Forrer: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . Briosco, Andrea, called Riccio. Volume I. Spink & Son Ltd, London 1904, pp. 283 f .
  2. ^ Deborah Pincus:  Andrea Briosco. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).