Andrea Gamarnik

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Andrea Gamarnik (2016)

Andrea Gamarnik (born October 5, 1964 in Lanús ) is an Argentine molecular virologist who is known for her research on dengue fever . She heads the Laboratory for Molecular Virology at the Fundación Instituto Leloir in Buenos Aires and is the first Argentinian to become a member of the American Academy of Microbiology . During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, she and her team developed the first antibody test in Argentina in just 45 days.


Andrea Gamarnik grew up in her hometown Lanús and studied biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) thanks to a scholarship from the Colegio de Farmacéuticos (pharmacy school ). Her thesis was awarded a gold medal by her institute for outstanding performance in 1989. She did her PhD in 1993 at the same institute. From 1994 to 1999 she was a postdoctoral fellow in virology at the University of California , San Francisco , where she studied the molecular mechanisms of the poliovirus .


From 2000 to 2001, Gamarnik worked for the biotechnology company ViroLogic in California on the development of phenotypic tests for HIV , hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses. At the end of 2001 she returned to Argentina to the Instituto Leloir in Buenos Aires, where she founded the first laboratory for molecular virology in 2002. More than 30 research papers about the dengue virus have now been published by him. In 2005 and 2011 she was an International Research Scholar at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute . In addition to her work as head of the Laboratory for Molecular Virology of the Fundación Instituto Leloir, she is associated with the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) as an independent researcher and co-editor of the journals PLOS Pathogens and Virology.

One of the most important investigations that emerged from the Molecular Virology Laboratory, which she founded, was the discovery of the replication mechanism of dengue virus at the molecular level. Another appeared in 2015, which determined what conditions the dengue virus needs to pass from mosquito to humans, i.e. what changes it goes through in order to infect two different types of cells.

She publishes regularly in journals such as Genes and Development, Virology, RNA and the Journal of Biological Chemistry . Gamarnik also actively participates in political debates on the promotion of science and women in science, for example in the context of award speeches, discussions with politicians or the signing of open letters.

During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, she and her team at Instituto Leloir developed the first antibody test in Argentina in just 45 days, which is manufactured under the name COVIDAR IgG .

Prizes and awards

  • 1989 Medalla de Oro for the best average from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Buenos Aires
  • 2005 ICGEB scholarship (Fellowship) in Trieste , Italy
  • 2005–2011 International Research Scholar at the Howard Huges Medical Institute
  • 2009 Golda Meir Award for outstanding achievements by women in science and art
  • 2009 Award for her work Estudio de las bases moleculares de la replicación del virus del dengue (study on the molecular basis and multiplication of the dengue virus) with the Premio Nacional por la Mujer en la Ciencia (National Prize for Women in Science)
  • 2009 National L'Oreal-UNESCO-CONICET Prize for Women in Science in Argentina
  • 2010 Award for Outstanding Personality in Science in the City of Buenos Aires (Personalidad Destacada de la Ciencia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires)
  • 2013 Award for special services in the fields of science and technology by the Fundación Konex
  • 2014 admission to the American Academy of Microbiology
  • 2015 UNESCO L'Oréal Prize for Women in Science in Latin America for their "important contributions to research into the multiplication of mosquito-borne viruses and diseases, particularly with regard to the dengue virus"
  • 2017 Trajectory Award in Microbiology, Argentine Society of Microbiology
  • 2017 Admission to the Academy of Sciences in Latin America (ACAL)


  • since 2007 co-editor of the journal Virology
  • 2008–2012 project evaluator for Human Frontiers, Wellcome Trust , Fundación Burge y Born, Horizon Breakthrough Project Grants, The Netherlands Genomics Initiative
  • 2008–2011 member of the organization team of the IX. and X. Congreso Argentino de Virología
  • 2008–2012 member of the organizational team of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Pan-American Dengue Research Network Meeting in Brazil 2008, Mexico 2010 and Colombia 2012
  • 2011–2012 member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Advisory Committee at CONICET
  • 2011 member of the organization team of the conference A Re-Emerging Challenge in the Americas: Opportunities for Dengue Research Collaboration in Puerto Rico , funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Maryland

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Martín Grosz: Historias de vida Andrea Gamarnik, la científica que no se calla. In: April 3, 2016, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  2. Andrea Gamarnik - Bioquímica investigadora en virologia molecular. In: Retrieved June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  3. a b c Luana Viera: Desarrolló el test de detección de coronavirus y su pasión es el fútbol: la historia de Andrea Gamarnik. In: May 22, 2020, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  4. Nora Bär: Distinción L´Oreal-Unesco por la mujer en la ciencia / Se entrega esta noche. Premian investigaciones en dengue. In: - La Nacion. November 16, 2009, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  5. Editorial Board: RNA Virology. In: Retrieved June 27, 2020 (English).
  6. Nora Bär: Estudio de investigadores argentinos. Dengue: logran ver la structure del virus. In: - La Nacion. June 3, 2005, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  7. ^ La investigadora Argentina Andrea Gamarnik, fue galardonada con el Premio internacional L'Oréal-UNESCO. In: October 7, 2015, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  8. Molecular virology Andrea V. Gamarnik - Fundación Instituto Leloir: Our Laboratory. In: Retrieved June 27, 2020 (English).
  9. Reducción del 60 por ciento de las vacantes para investigadores: Preparando una nueva fuga de cerebros. In: December 5, 2016, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  10. "Las mujeres en la ciencia siguen teniendo obstáculos", dijo la que se científica reunirá con Macri. In: March 17, 2016, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  11. Florencia Ballarino / DS: Científicos argentinos logran desarrollar el primer test serológico de Covid-19 del país. In: May 7, 2020, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  12. Pablo Esteban: Andrea Gamarnik: "Esto también es una forma de independencia". In: May 8, 2020, accessed June 27, 2020 (Spanish).
  13. Andrea Gamarnik Premio Konex 2013: Microbiología, Bacteriología y Virología. In: Retrieved June 27, 2020 (Spanish).