Andreas von Buzzi

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Andreas von Buzzi, lithograph by August Prinzhofer , 1843

Andreas Ritter von Buzzi (born November 8, 1779 in Pontafel , † March 31, 1864 in Klagenfurt ) was an Austrian politician and writer .

Life and political activity

Andreas von Buzzi was involved in local politics in Carniola and Carinthia in the period before the revolution of 1848 . From 1827 to 1835 he was President of the kk Stadt- und Landrechts der Krain, a pre-parliamentary advisory body, and from 1835 to 1849 President of the same body in Carinthia. In Carinthia he belonged to the group of Carinthian patriots around Kumpf and Jenull , who campaigned for the interests of the German-speaking inhabitants of the country. After the outbreak of the revolution in 1848, Andreas von Buzzi was nominated and elected as a member of the Carinthia / Klagenfurt constituency as a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly. On May 18, 1848, he began his mandate in Frankfurt am Main . However, he did not join any parliamentary group, but remained a non-attached MP until he resigned on August 2, 1848. Disappointed in politics, he turned to literary work, a highly educated man and classical music. He began to write, composed verses and prose pieces, but without any particular success.


  • Amulius . Drama, 1845
  • The hermit in the Ardennes . Drama (1838) 1866
  • Translation of the Aesopian fables of Phaedrus . BG Teubner, Leipzig 1857
