Andrei Iwanowitsch Stackenschneider

Andrei Stackenschneider , Russian Андрей Иванович Штакеншнейдер , (born February 22 . Jul / 6. March 1802 greg. In Gatchina ; † August 8 jul. / 20th August 1865 greg. In Moscow ) was a famous Russian architect of the 19th. Century.
Stackenschneider, the son of a miller with German ancestors, studied at the Petersburg Academy of Art . He later taught for years as an architecture professor at the art academy. From 1825 Stackenschneider was an architectural draftsman in the commission for the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral under the direction of Auguste de Montferrand . In 1833 Stackenschneider was appointed court architect and from 1837 to 1838 he went on a study trip through Italy , France , England and Germany . In 1844 he was commissioned by Tsar Nicholas I to build the courtyard in Saint Petersburg.
Buildings (selection)
- Tatiana Sokolowa: The Hermitage Halls and Buildings . Aurora Art Publ., Leningrad 1973, ISBN 5-9357-2152-X (in Russian; brief summary in English).
Individual evidence
- ↑ Article Andrei Iwanowitsch Stackenschneider in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)
Web links
- Famous builder of St. Petersburg
- Marienpalast
- Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace
- Small Hermitage (Engl.)
- Palaces of Saint Petersburg
personal data | |
SURNAME | Stackenschneider, Andrei Iwanowitsch |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Andreas Stackensneider; Andrej Štakenšnejder; Андрей Штакеншнейдер |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Russian architect |
DATE OF BIRTH | March 6, 1802 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Gatchina |
DATE OF DEATH | August 20, 1865 |
Place of death | Moscow |