Andy McNab

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Andy McNab ( pseudonym ) (born December 28, 1959 in London ; real name Steven Billy Mitchell ) is a British writer and former professional soldier.


Andy McNab joined the British Army Infantry in 1976 as a young soldier . In 1984 he became a member of the 22nd Special Air Service (SAS) regiment. Here he served in the B Squadron for nine years. He participated in both open and covert SAS operations, including anti-terrorism and anti-drug operations in the Middle East, Far East, South and Central America, and Northern Ireland.

As a trained specialist in counter-terrorism, target destruction, sabotage , weapons and tactics, observation , gathering information in hostile environments and personal protection , he worked in cooperation with police units, penal systems, anti-drug units and with guerrilla movements supported by the West.

In Northern Ireland he spent two years as an "undercover operator" at the 14th Intelligence Group, where he became an instructor. McNab continued to work in this role at the SAS and also trained foreign special units in the fight against corruption, hostage rescue and survival training.

As a company commander in Hereford, England, McNab developed and directed a training program that was unique in the world at the time and that journalists and members of private organizations also went through for work in hostile environments and in war zones. When McNab left the SAS regiment in February 1993 and resigned his military service, he was the most highly decorated soldier in the British Army at the time.

Andy McNab wrote two books about his experience at SAS. In 1991 he took part in a SAS commando operation behind enemy lines in the Second Gulf War. This is the basis of his autobiographical, partly fictional book Bravo Two Zero , which was a great sales success in Great Britain and has been translated into 16 languages. McNab's autobiography Immediate Action (1995) also became a top seller in the UK.

McNab is also the author of a thriller series that now has ten volumes. The main character of this thriller is Nick Stone, a tough ex-SAS man who, as a so-called "K" (freelance secret service agent), carries out explosive operations on behalf of the British secret service and other clients.

McNab collaborated with co-author Robert Rigby on his book Boy Soldier (2005). Three follow-up novels were published. According to McNab, this series is aimed more at young people with its problems and plot.



  • "Bravo Two Zero", 1993 ["The Men of Bravo Two Zero" (publisher: dtv) or "Signal Bravo Two Zero" (publisher: Hoffmann und Campe)]
  • "Immediate Action", 1995 (not previously published in German)
  • "Seven Troop", 2008 (not yet published in German)

Novels of the "Nick Stone" series

  • "Remote Control", 1997 ("Remote Control")
  • "Crisis Four", 1999 ("Double Game")
  • "Firewall", 2000 ("Burned Traces")
  • "Last Light", 2001 ("Circled")
  • "Liberation Day", 2002 ("Deadly Mission")
  • "Dark Winter", 2003 ("Enemy Without a Name")
  • "Deep Black", 2004 ("Schattenkiller")
  • "Aggressor", 2005 ("Aggressor")
  • "Recoil", 2006 ("The Reckoning")
  • "Crossfire", 2007
  • "Brute Force", 2008
  • "Exit Wound", 2009
  • "Zero Hour", 2010
  • "Dead Center", 2011
  • Silencer (2013)
  • For Valor (2014)
  • Detonator (2015)
  • Cold Blood (2016)
  • Line Of Fire (2017)

Novels of the "Boy Soldier" series (all original English titles)

  • Boy Soldier 1: Traitor, 2005 ("Unmasked")
  • Boy Soldier 2: Payback, 2005 ("Payday")
  • Boy Soldier 3: Avenger, 2006 ("Spur im Netz")
  • Boy Soldier 4: Meltdown, 2007 ("Operation Meltdown")

Quick Reads project (each original English title)

  • The Gray Man (May 8, 2006)

Audio Stories (each original English title)

  • Iraq Ambush (May 2007)
  • Royal Kidnap (June 2007)
  • Roadside Bomb (September 2007)
  • Sniper (TBA 2007)


  • Andy McNab was involved as a trainer and consultant in the production of the film Heat (1995, with Robert De Niro , Al Pacino and Val Kilmer ) and in the production of the video Ultimate Warrior (BMG, 1997).
  • Bravo Two Zero was filmed as Bravo Two Zero - Behind Enemy Lines by the BBC , starring Sean Bean , premiered on BBC1 in 1999 and videotaped in 2000.
  • The novel Double Game is also to be made into a film. For this purpose Miramax is said to have acquired the corresponding rights to this and other McNab novels.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bravo Two Zero: Real SAS Mission - McNab has now been criticized for the representation