Anna (sister of Dido)

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Anna is the sister of Dido in Roman mythology .

After the death of her sister, which she unknowingly caused by promoting her love for Aeneas , she is expelled from Carthage by Iarbas . At first she was welcomed by Battus , King of Melite . But since Battus fears the power of Pygmalion , Dido's brother, Anna has to leave the country after almost three years. Finally she arrives shipwrecked in Lazio , where she is welcomed by Aeneas, to whom she tells of Dido's death. She has to flee again, now from the murderous jealousy of Lavinia , the wife of Aeneas, and in the night she comes to the Numicius (or Numicus) river, into which she throws herself and where she is later worshiped as the nymph of the river god .

In Ovid it is with the Roman goddess Anna Perenna identified.

