Anna Leonie

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Anna Leonie
The tow ship as a museum ship
The tow ship as a museum ship
Ship data
flag Germany
Ship type Towboat
class Peniche
home port Saarbrücken
Owner Fishing Association Saar
Shipyard Schäfer brothers; Völklingen, Luisenthal
Launch 1926
Whereabouts Museum and exhibition ship
Ship dimensions and crew
38.76 m ( Lüa )
width 5.03 m
Draft Max. 1.80 m
displacement 276  t
crew 2
Classifications SN 815 SA (calibration mark)

Anna Leonie is a towing ship on the Saar and has been preserved as a museum ship .

On the Saar were getreidelte vehicles as Penichen referred. Until 1992 there was a towpath next to the waterway. After this was removed, the Anna Leonie , built in 1925-26, could no longer be used, as it continued to have no drive of its own. However, it had been moored in front of the Congress Hall in Saarbrücken since the 1960s .

The Schäfer brothers' shipyard in Völklingen / Luisenthal received the construction contract for the tug from the skipper Johann Kind. He lived on board with his family and named the ship after his two youngest daughters. A son lived on board until his death in 1987. In 2006 the vehicle was the last of its kind and should therefore be preserved. The Saar Fishing Association was able to buy it in 2007 and send it to a shipyard for repair in 2008. At the end of 2009 an exhibition "The Future Ocean" was organized by the Ministry of the Environment, the Kiel Cluster of Excellence " The Future Ocean " and the Saar Fishing Association. In the future, the museum and exhibition ship is to be used in Saarland along the Saar.

Web links

Commons : Treidelschiff Anna Leonie (Saarbrücken)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files